Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Are Self-Definitions Holding You Back?

You are not your body, male or female. You are not your personality. The body you take on is just the product of all the things you’ve done and the reactions you’ve had over many lifetimes. These experiences have molded your face, your personality, your likes and dislikes, and have become your self-definitions, but you are none of those things.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Resurrect Your Mind from Mental Laziness

Remember, if you make up your mind that you are going to control your circumstances, your circumstances will adjust themselves accordingly. Friendly success tendencies are ready to help you, depending on your unflinching efforts.

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing

God Is the Doer: A Healer’s Journey

Spiritually, the most important attitude for a healer is a constant awareness that God is the source of the healing power. There is also the need for reverent devotion to God and Guru because if you pray and ask the Masters to guide you, they will protect you from all negative influences, especially any tendency to become egoic.

Clarity Magazine, Success

Build Your Character – Build Your Career

Most people worry about what their salary or position will be in the future, but a more valid question would be, “What qualities do I want to have in five years?” Your career is the canvas on which you will create that person.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

Loved and Protected – Stories of Miracles and Answered Prayers

When I found myself horizontal in the air going backwards, I rotated my body to face into the fall and saw that I was going head first down a long steep stairwell. Then I heard a voice of power like I have never heard before. “Oh! God! NO!”

Ananda Yoga, Clarity Magazine, Yoga Postures

What Is Spiritual Yoga?

Now, with spiritual hunger growing worldwide, more and more people are asking, “How can Yoga help meet my spiritual needs?” They suspect that spiritual experience can be cultivated through Yoga practices—and they’re right.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

The Challenge of the New Age

The dream of too many people in the “New Age Movement” is of a heaven on earth without God, without humility, and without devotion—a “heaven” in which mankind reigns supreme, holding in his own puny hands the power of the universe.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

The Priest Who Jumped into a Well

Being ignorant, the bigoted Hindu priest did not like to be questioned as to his beliefs and statements. He especially disliked intelligent disciples because his untested dogmas melted like butter before the flame of their bright minds.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spiritualizing Relationships

Impatience: An Obstacle on the Spiritual Path

Impatience is an obstacle on the spiritual path. It creates leaks in one’s flow of energy, leaving too little power at the end of the wire for constructive use.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Yoga Philosophy

Four Steps to a Harmonious Work Environment

Ask yourself, “Am I giving my full support to everyone at work?” If the answer is no, identify the individuals from whom you’re withholding your energy.