
Advaita and Yoga

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Surya: I remember when I first started on the path, reading Eckhart Tolle and Advaita teachers. I had this feeling of freedom, that I was complete as I am. I know Ananda is the path for me, but sometimes, it feels like I’m searching for something I am not yet, and practicing techniques so that I can get somewhere. This can…


Do the Masters Differ in Their Teachings?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Sam: Yogananda said that the path adopted to reach God must be scientific and must elevate human consciousness. But Ramakrishna said that there are infinite paths to reach God. How can paths be infinite if they must be scientific, because science is limited?


Fear of War

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Marcel: I know I should be able to let go more. I try to develop equanimity, but feel like the harder I try, the more comes and attacks me from the outside. I am a father, have a wife and children. The youngest is seven years old. I’m doing everything possible to protect them. The political situation about ukrain made me…


The Practice of Ahimsa (Non-Violence)

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Steven Boardman: I am writing in regards to the practice of ahimsa. I have said I will go metal detecting with my father and I am concerned about what damage I may be causing to the wildlife underground. I don’t want to upset my father though and turn him down. Do you have any advice?


Saints: In the World but Not of the World

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Alex: I heard that most enlightened beings live secluded lives. I heard that some enlightened beings (such as yourselves) are somewhat active in the world. Very few enlightened beings (such as Swami Yogananda) are fully active in the world. Why do enlightened beings have varying degrees of being active in the world? I have a feeling that the reluctance to be…


Calming Anxiety and Grief in the Present Moment

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from A.J: How to live in the present moment? I always find myself either grieving over the past or terrified of the future. i practice mindfulness but is there any other way?


How Can the Buddhist Goal of Personal Extinction Be Attractive for Anyone?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from J.K.: Dear friends, I read in some book that according to Buddhist belief, the buddhas (those who have reached the highest inner stage) after death lose consciousness of their independent existence, uniting with the eternal spirit. I know this is not what Yogananda says. I have problem understanding why people would want freedom at all, if that goal implies death, or…


Reason for Suffering

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Tom: Hello, Spiritual seekers are adviced to appreciate and love life. Does it mean we should love all that life brings, evil and pain as well? I know evil and pain may serve a higher purpose but I still have resentment for them. The food chain with lives taken away cruelly when still alive, sexual abuse etc? And are we (our…


Rendering Grateful Service

Nayaswami Hassi

Question from Saba: Hi friend I was born in family where I am financially doing fine without needing to work to make money, I also don’t much like to have to work, I just like to stay home and meditate and chant and do other spiritual practices, Is that a spiritually good idea in your opinion? Thank you in advance 🕉🙏