
Chakras alignment

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Vijay: How important is the alignment of chakras in the person’s spiritual progress? I was not able to meditate for a longer duration, and my guru suggest me to took kirlian photo scan. In the report the chakras seems to be inclined more towards physical space. Please advice.


How to hit the right note

David Eby

Question from Jaya: I am an aspiring singer. I put in a lot of hardwork for my music. In addition, during meditation, I use the prayer demand from the whispers of eternity which says ” Every sound that I make let it have the vibration of Thy voice” to get the Lord’s grace. Will it help? Also whenever I am not able to…


Measured breathing and a racing heart

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Connor Burke: When beginning meditation I use the Measured Breathing Technique of inhaling a certain count, holding the same count, and then exhaling for the same count. However, often after I do the last inhale and exhale where the breath is thrown out for as long as comfortably possible, my heart is beats rapidly and I’m find it very difficult to settle…


Social media and spiritual search

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from ryan: i have been talking with people on the internet,on different forums,and they all follow different paths to God. at the end of my conversations i feel very confused,i find myself thinking a lot about what was said to me. at the end of it all,i am left uncertain about what is the right path for me,also the question arises as…


Human brain, spiritual awakening, and science

Tyagi Shanti, M.D.

Question from Ashwin: I recently watched a documentary showing people suffering from even slight damage to their temporal lobes experience immense spiritual awakening and visions of saints etc..The scientists concluded saying perhaps all spiritual experiences are but a byproduct of the mind and not something from beyond the mind. and that spiritual experiences are caused manly by faulty wiring in the brain and…


Yogananda’s Bible interpretations

Ananda Sangha Worldwide

Question from J: Hi, I find your lessons intrguing. I am considering converting to Christianity, but like Yogananda mentioned, am afraid I might be responding to churchianity. I feel that I shoud uncover divinty in life, in each moment. I also feel that Jesus and Buddha have been pivotal figures in modern spirituality. However, they are probably misunderstood. Seeing as Yogananda has written…



Nayaswami Shivani

Question from Richard Kennedy: Hello, At many points mention is made of visualizing ‘a light’, ‘an energy’, the spiritual eye, etc. However, even though I am feeling perfectly relaxed, I am unable to visualize anything — all I have is the darkness in front of me when my eyes are closed. I do the breathing exercises, but see nothing. Is this normal or is…