Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

What Makes Something Wrong?

Are moral values truly arbitrary and subjective? Can we really say people can just do what they like, and that there are no personal consequences they will have to suffer, outside of the need to maintain social order?

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Yoga Postures

Why Is Yoga Important?

Yoga makes us more aware of ourselves as bodies of energy, not merely of material substance. The more aware we become that we are energy, the greater control we have in our lives.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

The Courage To Live Superconsciously

How do you react when a test comes? You won’t be worthy of God if you try to run away from your difficulties. ”

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Selections from: Do It Well*

Never lend money unless you can feel, in your heart, that you are giving the money away.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

Letters of Encouragement

What exactly do we mean by saying we have been given free will? If all actions are done by God, how are we free?

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Our Greatest Work in Life*

Master seldom praised me for my labor. But he sometimes praised me for my devotion.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

What Is True Wealth?*

Most people equate wealth with investments, savings, income, or real property. Yet we’ve all known people who got by quite happily on very little money.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

The Devotion of a Master

Yogananda never forgot for an instant that the real Doer was God. Inwardly, he was always free and at peace.