Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Christ’s Message: The Power of Love

In a dream, an angel warned Joseph of Herod’s plans and advised him to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement – Visions of Christ’s Birth

Yogananda once told us, “I see all of you as images of light. Everything—these trees, bushes, the grass you are standing on—all are made of that light. You have no idea how beautiful everything is!”

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Who Is Divine Mother?

Some years ago it came to me in meditation that what America needs is more consciousness of the Divine Mother to balance out the overly masculine, intellectual approach that is dominant here. With all our great mental insights, we’ve failed to realize one simple truth: this world is not real.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth


Renouncing my little, egoic self,
I expand with my great soul-Self everywhere!

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

It seems self-evident that different aspects of God fulfill different people. Consider the numerous manifestations of both male and female gods and goddesses in Hindu temples. Each one represents certain combinations of divine qualities, enlivened by the stories that accompany each one.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

The Intellect Versus the Heart

Yogananda said that the entire motivation of human behavior is two-fold: to avoid suffering and to achieve happiness. This is so simple that it sounds almost childish. But isn’t that really what everybody is trying to do.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

All trials are in the last analysis self-generated. God doesn’t will them on us. They come as a result of the misuse of our own will, whether recently or in the distant past.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

The Redeeming Light

The inner light, when it comes, heralds a higher state of consciousness. The higher this state, the more complete the inner change.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

When we mix with people who are basically positive, it tends to make us strong in ourselves. The company of strong people influences us to discover ways to surmount our own problems.