Wonder Foods


The lemon is truly a gift of the gods, and its uses are legion. It is the richest source of hydrogen, the most radiant and high-vibrating of all the organic chemicals. In the realm of natural healing, hydrogen is a potent medicine, giving life, energy, and radiance.

Its high hydrogen content makes lemon juice the best disinfectant for the internal organs. The juice of one lemon diluted in warm water, without sugar, taken daily on an empty stomach, is very good for the liver, spleen, intestines, and kidneys.

As an antiseptic, the lemon has no equal. The following uses of lemons have been tested and proven effective:

  • Toothache—place a slice of lemon against the sore spot.
  • To ease a bilious (gall bladder) attack—drink sour lemonade.
  • To heal burns when no standard burn remedy is at hand—first generously apply olive oil, then a little strained lemon juice.
  • To help heal inflammations of the finger or toe—apply lemon packs consisting of 1/2 lemon juice and 1/2 distilled water. Lemon packs have also proved helpful in cases of appendicitis and applied to the eyes for cataracts. For the latter, first apply olive oil to the skin.
  • To help heal wounds—use lemon water. If the skin is broken first apply olive oil. Vary the strength of the lemon solution according to the seriousness of the injury and the fortitude of the patient.

There are, of course, occasions when citrus fruit is contra-indicated, temporarily at least. This is especially true of the lemon, which thins the blood.

In the case of the anemic, the very thin, the aged, and whenever there is a tendency toward profuse bleeding, the lemon should be used with discretion and under capable guidance.


Not long ago, the luscious tomato, or so-called “love-apple,” was unknown in the human diet. Considered poisonous, it was tolerated in the garden only for its decorative red coloring.

Today, dieticians consider it one of the most important vegetables, due to its high alkalinity and wealth of vitamins and minerals.

If you have a garden, include this plant in your next crop and use them in abundance. If fresh tomatoes are unavailable, the canned product is a splendid substitute. Although any food should be kept as near its natural state as possible, the tomato is one of the few foods that does not lose its nutrients with cooking or canning.

The tomato is an excellent overall curative food and a specific curative for most liver conditions. As the largest organ in the body, the liver has a tremendous amount of work to do. When over-worked, it rebels and lies down on the job.

To ensure liver health, avoid overeating and fast periodically on fruit or vegetable juices. Among these, very few help the liver as much as tomato juice.


Pineapples, which have the same vibration as the heart, possess many marvelous attributes.

They nourish the glands, are a natural antiseptic for sore throat, sore tonsils, and the bowels, and have great cleansing qualities. Due to its dissolving and cleansing properties, pineapple is an excellent reducing food.

If the fresh pineapple is not obtainable, use the canned, unsweetened variety. Cottage cheese and pineapple is an excellent combination for those needing more calcium in their diet.

Low Cost Nutritious Foods

The Potato

Highly nutritious, the potato should be used whenever there is a need to consider expenses without lowering the standard of nourishment. Besides being inexpensive and widely available, the potato is an alternative to bread and can be prepared in a wide variety of ways.

Consider using the baked potato as the center around which you build  the meal. This enables you to vary the accompaniments based on the tastes of family members and the foods in season.

Never discard the uncooked potato skins—they are an invaluable source of important minerals. You can make a broth for soup by boiling the skins in water for 45 minutes.

Lima beans

Lima beans are another splendid entrée—inexpensive, highly alkaline and nutritious. Because of their exceedingly high alkalinity, many people who cannot tolerate grains have no difficulty with bread made of lima bean flour.


Lentils, another inexpensive, alkaline food, can be used in a soup, vegetable loaf, patties, or simply as plain baked lentils. They are an excellent substitute for animal protein.

Rich in vitamins and minerals, lentils are an important source of silicon, which nourishes the brain, ligaments, hair, and nails.

Properly Combining Foods

Could you follow a musical score, read, walk, write, talk, and meditate simultaneously, doing justice to them all? Well, that is often what the digestive organs are called upon to do three times a day, year in and year out.

To obtain the best results from food, one should give careful consideration to properly combining the items used at one meal, and reducing them to the minimum. The fewer the items used at one meal, the better, especially if one has digestive difficulties.

Even of fruits, it is well to use one at a time. In fact, frequent meals composed of only one fruit are an excellent idea.

Although the body requires various types of food for harmonious balance, it cannot handle them all at one sitting. In the beginning, healthy, normal cells are able to select what they need and to discard what they cannot utilize. Due to misuse, they lose that power of selection, as do the taste buds in the mouth.

There are five separate digestive fluids in the body, designed to handle the variety of foods we need. But when too many different foods are foisted upon an overtaxed “public servant,” the resulting confusion is similar to when the manager of a big manufacturing plant issues conflicting orders to the various departments.

In all creative expressions, the laws of harmony manifest themselves. When eyes and palate dictate how we nourish this physical temple, to the exclusion of the governing laws of health, ill health is the inevitable, eventual result.

From Praecepta Lessons, 1934-1938

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