It’s amazing that the sap that feeds the leaves of a plant flows upward against the pull of gravity! How does this happen? When you remove the skin of the plant, you discover an intricate network of tubes that channel the sap. You might look at it intently, lift up your eyes, and say, “Amazing!

When we carefully observe or examine things in nature, how could we not be awe-struck and inspired by all of the incredible examples of intelligence manifesting to the left, right, beneath, above, and everywhere around us? Just look at all of nature’s colors and study the countless shades.

Look at the marvelous blue sky and its celestial inhabitants — the bright yellow sun, the magical white moon, the twinkling little stars.

Feast your gaze on the multi-colored, variously shaped flowers or enjoy the delicious taste of countless kinds of fruit. What do you say (if you don’t take this for granted)? Again, you might look upwards and exclaim, It’s just AMAZING! Right?!

This magical, incredible, and fascinating mystery called creation has a strict mathematical formula behind it, a definite logical system, and a highly intelligent setup. It has as its beginning this: ONE (Spirit) that became TWO (duality). From these two, a THIRD was born.

The Three Great Aspects

All of nature manifests three great aspects that are emanations of the One Primal Intelligence under the influence of two opposing poles. In India, these three aspects are personified as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Brahma — The Creative Power

Consciously observing the creative power at work is truly awesome and divine. Let’s just say it.  It’s AMAZING! Look at a flower emerging from a tiny seed – or a tree, a puppy, a child, a star, or a universe! Look at entire galaxies being born and emanating from the tiniest source. Look at the mystery of nature. It is always giving new birth – to birds, to flowing water, to sunrises, to miracles! This miracle is called Brahma. Brahma, the creative power, truly merits our worship.

Vishnu — The Sustaining Power

Just watch it all. Everything in nature is in perfect balance and always finds a way to achieve its inherent balance. When your body gets sick, the Vishnu power immediately sets in and tries to bring your physical system back to balance. When nature is out of balance, due to man’s folly, mighty Vishnu will not hesitate. He will arrange events that will re-establish harmony and balance, even if that should mean that humankind must vanish from the planet.

Look at the way a wave rises and falls back to the natural water level. Alternatively, look at the wave dipping below the ocean level. It will soon be brought back to the surface. Everything will find its way back to a place of 100 percent balance.

This is the divine equilibrium. This is the great mathematical setup that is behind all of the seemingly apparent chaos. Now, if you honestly think about it, don’t you again want to look up and exclaim, This is simply AMAZING!?

Every earthly story ends so that the Divine Story can finally begin.

Shiva — The Dissolving Power

The third element of this heavenly play, together with the infinite creations of Brahma, the eternal balancing of Vishnu, is Shiva. Shiva is the one who dissolves it all. He closes every circle so that another circle can begin.

Look at the withering flower that becomes fertilizer for the earth. Look at the sunset ending the day to relinquish its space to the night and the beautiful stars. A lifetime fades away so that another can start in a higher realm. Every earthly story ends so that the Divine Story can finally begin. If you can realize or sense the intelligence of it all, you probably want to look up and say, Wow, it’s just AMAZING!

No wonder that Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are considered Gods. They express to us the ONE eternal Intelligence, and how it becomes TWO, and thereby THREE.

A story about the Mighty

There is a famous story about Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. They were boasting about their tremendous might, power, and divinity. Every one of them bragged to be the mightiest.

Suddenly a little shining boy appeared and asked Brahma, “What do you create?” “Everything!” Brahma replied grandly.

The young visitor held in his hand a peculiar piece of straw. Placing it in front of Brahma, he asked, “Can you create a piece of straw just like this?” After an incredible effort, Brahma gave up and admitted that he couldn’t.

The young boy then turned to Vishnu and asked, “Can you save this straw?” Vishnu answered confidently. “Of course I can!” But the piece of straw slowly started to dissolve under the boy’s gaze. Vishnu had to admit that he was unable to save it.

Finally, the little shining boy produced that piece of straw again, now asking Shiva: “Can you destroy it?” Of course!” Shiva exclaimed. But no matter how hard he tried, he had to admit defeat. The straw remained intact.

The little boy turned to the THREE. “Brahma, did you create me?” “Vishnu, do you maintain me?” “Shiva, do you destroy me?”  All of them were forced to answer, “No.”

Suddenly the shining boy vanished. The three Gods awoke from their delusion and remembered that behind their power of THREE is a Greater Power, The ONE.

In short, behind everything we see there is an incredible system, awesome intelligence, and eternal logic, producing this heavenly creation. Behind it all is that great ONE which is… I know you feel it… simply AMAZING!

The crux is this — if you get ATTACHED to this creation, Shiva will hurt you by dissolving things, situations, and the people you want to remain. Brahma will create new things which you did not want to happen. And Vishnu will keep things in front of you that you had hoped would disappear from your life.

There is a happy ending! When you are finally established in the One, you will be able to fully enjoy this play — the Great and Amazing Show of Three.


  1. Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for starting my morning in the best possible way.

  2. To borrow your phrase….”simply amazing” discussion! Truly creative and clever explanation of this world of maya and delusion….and how to be free from it.

  3. A wonderful reminder of my many years going to Ananda Village Grass Valley Ca. I felt your words deeply in my devotion. Thank you.

  4. Jayadev,

    Beautifully stated! Even though I was born in Puerto Rico I feel my indian roots. I feel a deep magnetic attraction to Paramahansa Yogananda. This dissertation reminded me of words from my master. Thank you!

  5. Thank you for capturing and sharing the Amazing story of Creation.

  6. Beautifully explained.
    Any human being who does not stop to gaze at nature’s wonders, is not exercising the privileges accorded to the highest of the living species, i.e. the ability to think and ponder. Such a person can be considered to be operating at the level of the animal kingdom.

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