Clarity Magazine, Divine Love

Prayer Demand: Save Me from Wrong Beliefs

I am lost, Father, in the wastelands of wrong beliefs. Where is my home? I have kept the doors of my soul always open, expecting Thee. Ah! I have not yet found Thee. Rise high in the sky to illuminate my darkness: Be the Polestar to my searching mind, directing me to Thyself. For therein, I know, lies my home! … Read More

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Remember Only Good Things

In your consciousness there are all kinds of records. You must destroy all records that revive memories of unhappiness. By remembering an experience you live it over again. Thus, it is sometimes important to cultivate forgetfulness.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Success

The Secret of All Spiritual Success

Belief directed with energy is the secret of all spiritual success. Seek by outer reminders and by an inner expansion of awareness and sympathy to manifest your belief in God.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Success

Balancing Work and Spiritual Life

Paramhansa Yogananda said we should think of work as active meditation and meditation as inward service. In other words, our daily activities and meditation are not separate from each other; they are two aspects of our spiritual path.

Clarity Magazine, Coping with Loss, Overcoming Challenging Karma

Cancer and the Guru’s Grace

The phrase, “The old way doesn’t work anymore” became my new reality. No longer could I power my way through life. I had to listen to the Guru’s inner guidance and ask, “What is trying to happen here?”

Clarity Magazine, Spirituality and Science

The Highly Vulnerable Teenage Brain

The adolescent brain is affected differently by alcohol and marijuana than an adult brain. None of this is harmless, even to adults, but there aren’t as many permanent effects on cognitive function as are caused by even casual use in these younger years.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Finding a Way to Harmony

One of the great challenges in any devotee’s spiritual life is how to respond to negativity, especially when the dark energy seems to have made you its particular target.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

What Is Superconsciousness?

Awaken to Superconsciousness is a comprehensive guide to meditation, spirituality and consciousness, the latter presented as the fundamental reality of existence.

Clarity Magazine, Music and the Arts

Reflections on Creativity

I will use my creative thinking ability to gain success in every worth-while project that I undertake

Clarity Magazine, Happiness

Humor: A Smile a Day

There is no better panacea for sorrow, no better reviving tonic, and no greater beauty than a genuine smile. —Paramhansa Yogananda A Simple Operation “Why did you run out of the operating room?” a hospital administrator asked a nervous patient. “The patient replied, “Because the nurse said, ‘Don’t be so jittery, an appendectomy is a simple operation.” “So?” said the … Read More