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Paramhansa Yogananda’s Vision for the Future: Communities (Part 2)

Nayaswami Jaya continues this series about one of Paramhansa Yogananda’s important aims and ideals during his lifetime. Yogananda shared his dream of spiritual communities many times, especially in the original edition of his most famous work Autobiography of a Yogi. His direct disciple Swami Kriyananda was able to fullfill this important aspect of Yogananda’s mission. Nayaswami Jaya, a founding member of one … Read More

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Why Does God Permit Suffering? Part 3 – Prod to Pride

In Part 3, we discuss how the individual can respond to challenges and suffering from the viewpoint of the soul. It may be said that what happens to us is the result of our own actions: our past karma. But that is both hard to take and even harder to prove (usually). More important is how we respond in the … Read More

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Past Memories

How important are past life memories? What can I do to distill the importance of their appearance in my thoughts and mind? We have lived countless lives. Memories are therefore beyond measure. If an image, memory of flashback has a meaning meditation can help us distill their message. But most probably do not. (Talk by Nayaswami Hriman)


I’m on the Spiritual Path, and My Friends Aren’t Interested

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Jaclyn: I tend to draw friends whom I don’t feel comfortable developing a close relationship with. I’m deeply into a spiritual path, and it seems that I do not have much to share with them nor do I enjoy the same activities. I also need a lot of space, as I’m constantly searching inward. However, I believe these friends are in … Read More

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What is the Best Diet? Ask a Yogi

It is too easy to make your diet a religion. Yogananda encouraged us to employ the traditional vegetarian diet but overall “proper eatarianism” suggests a diet that suits your body’s needs and temperament.


How Can We Balance Our Material Life and Spiritual Life?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from SS: How is meditation related to gaining material prosperity? what is the relationship between spiritual practices and material wealth? it seems very abstract and difficult to see the connection? people often think that spirituality and material wealth have no relation, and in fact that “spiritual” people appear “poor” externally at least, and this is discouraging as it is not a practical … Read More

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How to Work with Your Emotions (Part 2)

Asha continues to unpack this large topic of how to deal with your emotions in just 2 of 3 morning talks. Once we recognize that we have an area to work on, what do we do next? And how can we call for help from Divine Mother?