Prayers for Islands as Hurricane Maria Approaches

Please send healing energy as the next hurricane approaches. It can be overwhelming to see news of storms and floods, etc. The one coming up next is Hurricane Maria.  

When things get tough, many people turn to God. As you watch the video at the above link, ask for the blessings of God and our Divine Masters to bless all souls in need.  May their prayers be heard and may they be safe. Ask that healing angels minister to all those in need. See this happening, for your prayers and visualizations add good vibrations to a bad situation. May people be guided on how to stay safe during the storm. Visualize the healing energy and strength coming to all receptive souls.

“Healing depends on the power of the healer and the receptivity of the patient.”

As we send healing energy, it is quite possible that the storm will be mitigated down to a lesser level.

I have been praying on my own, and with a small group, but I realize now that I should have sent our prayer requests for each recent hurricane to invite all of you to pray, as well. I know that many of you have been praying for the victims of these storms, and other tragedies. But it is nice to know that we are praying together. I will be sending out more prayer requests regarding healing of the planet as time goes on.


Mary Kretzmann

Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry

PS – Please feel free to share this post.

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