“Meditate upon the following: ‘My Christ-Peace is descending upon every living thing, upon every living star, upon every speck of matter and space.’
“Celebrate Christmas upon the altar of the vast inner silence; in the sanctuary of every desire, every living thing in the world, in all the cosmos, celebrate the birth of Christ….”

Paramhansa Yogananda

May the blessings of Christ be with you now in this holy season.

Zoom prayers conntinue – Join us if you can.

  • Mary Kretzmann’s Personal Meeting Room (for all days except Wednesday)
  • Meeting ID #798 315 3231
  • Meeting Link  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7983153231
  • All times are Pacific Time.
  1. Monday – 8:30 am
  2. Tuesday  – 5 pm
  3. Wednesday – 12 noon –  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89362481832 Jitendra and I share leading this slot.
  4. Thursday – 8:30 am
  5. Friday – 1:30 pm

Thank you for your prayers for my recent trip to see my parents. It was beautiful to see them and they are doing relatively well for this stage of life.

Christmas Blessings to All,

Mary Kretzmann

Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry


  1. So glad to hear Mary. Please have a most wonderful Christmas Season with family and friends. Many blessings, Jerry Champagne.

  2. https://www.ananda.org/healing-prayers/wp-content/themes/ananda-worldwide/images/layout/joy-symbol-avatar.png

    From a member:

    Grazie, Pace, Bene, luce e Amore scendano nei cuori e nelle menti di tutta l’umanità.

    Thank you, Peace, Good, light and Love descend into the hearts and minds of all humanity.

  3. Hi Mary,
    Thank you for all the inspiring things you post. Glad you all got to visit with you folks. Wish I could be with my dear family and sharing Christmas with you all at Ananda too.
    In Divine Joy, Paula

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