Meditation is a subtle art. Although it’s essential to learn and practice its techniques properly, in the end we must make meditation a creative experience for ourself. Swami Kriyananda wrote an extremely helpful book in this regard called Secrets of Meditation. In it he gives seemingly simple, but profoundly insightful, suggestions for deepening and personalizing our practice.

There are thirty-one “secrets,” one for each day of the month. Here are a few seed thoughts from the book to help you make meditation more personally meaningful and enjoyable. (The words in bold are from Swamiji’s book; the comments are mine.)

“The secret of meditation is sitting upright with a straight spine; feeling that your strength emanates from your spine rather than from the muscles of your body.” Yogis teach that the spine is the gateway to God: not the physical vertebrae, nor even the spinal nerves, but the subtle energy channel, the “astral spine,” that flows within us. Awareness of this energy and channeling it upward to the spiritual eye fills our whole being with strength, vitality, and joy.

Practicing Master’s energization exercises and a few yoga postures before meditating helps us to get rid of “kinks” in the physical spine, so that we can sit up straight, and feel the flow of subtle energy rising within us. Awareness of this energy is the key to awareness of our own innate spiritual nature.

meditation technique of yogananda

Once you’re seated, make a commitment to be still and ignore the restlessness of the body.

“The secret of meditation is holding your body perfectly still; gradually freeing yourself from the compulsion to move.” Before you sit to meditate, be sure that you have a comfortable seat, whether in a chair or cross-legged on the floor, so that you don’t need to move around to get settled. Once you’re seated, make a commitment to be still and ignore the restlessness of the body. Try to be aware of how you feel when your body is still, and carry this peace with you throughout the day.

“The secret of meditation is to enter instantly into the silence within, and not waste precious time in mental wandering.” Once the body is still, the greater challenge arises of quieting the mind. If you immediately catch the mind before it begins to wander, you’ll find it easier to concentrate during your period of meditation. At first this is difficult, but the more you become familiar with this uplifted state of mind, the more eagerly you will want to return to it. During the day, try to do all your activities in this state of mental stillness. You’ll be surprised at how much more you can accomplish.

“The secret of meditation is to pray with deep faith—not as an outsider to heaven, but as one whose true, eternal home is heaven.” This is perhaps my favorite “secret” from the whole book, and it’s where the real artistry of meditation begins. Choose to see yourself not as an unwanted beggar knocking on the closed gates of heaven, but rather as a cherished son or daughter who is lovingly welcomed back by God to his true home. This simple attitude can make a huge difference in your ability to relax in meditation and feel God’s loving presence calling you within.

“The secret of meditation is singing to God, out loud or silently, to awaken devotion in the heart.” Yoganandaji said, “Chanting is half the battle.” Unless we awaken the heart’s natural love, meditation can become a dry, mechanical process. Don’t worry if you can’t play the harmonium, or if you can’t sing very well. God listens to our heart, and if you chant with energy, devotion, and joy, you will feel His loving response.

yogananda teachings meditation altar meditation retreat ananda

Make a strong commitment to meditate regularly, and don’t falter.

“The secret of meditation is radiating blessings from your heart outward to all the world.” Inner stillness and devotion help us feel our divine connection with everyone. The desire to send blessings from your heart arises naturally as you deepen your meditation. When you pray for others in this way, your consciousness naturally expands until you feel God’s love for all creation within you. One person in deep, inner communion radiating love and blessings does more good for the world than we can imagine.

“The secret of meditation is offering yourself up wholly to the Lord, holding nothing back.” Once you begin to feel and trust God’s love for you, any sense of self-protection or holding back dissolves. We begin to think, “Whatever I am or have is Yours. Use it for Your divine purpose.” Feel that God is receiving your self-offering and uniting you with Him. As you do this, you will increasingly feel that God has taken charge of your life, and is directing your every step.

The secret of meditation is steadfastness: For the more you meditate, the more you will want to meditate, but the less you meditate, the less will you find meditation attractive.” Finally, make a strong commitment to meditate regularly, and don’t falter. With the new year, many people make resolutions for self-improvement: we want to give up bad habits and strengthen good ones. The most important goal you can set for yourself in the coming year is to be regular in your meditation.

Let’s use well the spiritual tools given to us so that we become like divine artists, showing the beauty of God’s love and joy radiating in all creation.

In divine friendship,

Nayaswami Devi

Listen to Devi as she first reads the blog, then expands on its meaning and messages for readers with behind-the-blog commentary. Subscribe to the podcast or download the audio recording by right-clicking here. Or listen to it here (11:05):


  1. Thank you Nayaswami Devi ,this message is very well received ,at a time when I have been asking myself how to deepen my practice.
    Very Grateful.🙏
    Thank you .

  2. Oh thank you, Devi, and Swami Kriyananda, for this rich group of gems about meditation. Each one feels so personable, so doable, and easily removes any obstacles to our open surrender.

    1. Thank you dear friends,
      I always chant before my meditation and ask for Devotion. And do my E.E. The same if I want to pray for People I sing and do my E E and less Kriya’s because I want to pray.
      Thank you for your help. Gyandevi.

  3. Thank you Devi. I will use these considerations during the coming months. What joy🙏

  4. What a lovely synchronicity ! I just started the Ananda Meditation Teacher Training which opened this week, and today i read this post :) Thank you Devi, in Joy, Ilse

    1. Dear Ilse,
      We’re so glad to hear that you’re taking the Meditation Teaching Training so that you can share Master’s path in Belgium. May you be blessed as you help others to grow spiritually.

      1. Dear Devi, thank you so much for your blessings ! It’s with much Joy & Love that i will share Masters path here in Belgium. Many blessings to you and Jyotish 🙏

  5. Inspiring and so perfectly timed as I work to enhance my meditation practice.!
    Look forward to putting into practice suggestions this morning…some extra spine stretches to go deeper!!!

  6. Thank you Devi! I loved the discourse and I have an unusual request. I have watched the 90 minute commemorative ceremony for Paramahansa Yogananda given by Sister P every day since January 7th. Could we access this ceremony all year round? I have incorporated this ceremony into my every day routine and along with your wonderful tips have drawn much closer to the master’s touch! The heavens open up and what I equate to the Northern lights appear to us! Thank You!

    With all my love
    Which is really his love
    Returning Home

  7. Thank you so much!! Great article and this line has made a deep impact “During the day, try to do all your activities in this state of mental stillness. You’ll be surprised at how much more you can accomplish.”
    Will make a sincere effort to do this!

  8. thank you – this guidance and reminders brought me a lot of peace and reassurance on a morning when external things feel like they are in complete chaos.

  9. Great timing. I needed this article right now.
    Thanks for all your sharing!!

  10. mm

    Thank you for these beautiful, simple yet profound reminders. No matter how many times I read Swamiji’s words, they are always fresh. Thank you for bringing them forth, for all of us.

  11. Dear Devi, Thank you for once again reminding us of Swamiji’s instructions for deepening our meditation. I always am reminded of something I need to change or adjust to improve my meditations. Bless you for all you share.

  12. Thank you so much Nayaswami Devi for your guidance and insights. I look forward to deepening my meditation practices through them.

  13. Excellent summary of the importance of regular practice of meditation. Swami’s tips are insightful and thank you, Devi for reminding us to keep faithful to daily practice. : )

  14. Thank you Deviji.
    My favorite turned out to be: “The secret of meditation is offering yourself up wholly to the Lord, holding nothing back.” That just resonated strongly with me. I am a child of God, so why hold anything back from my Father/Mother who Knows it all anyway, right?!
    AUM and may this new year bring for everyone a deeper meditation practice.
    ~~~Peace, J

  15. This write up is very valuable for us.
    It briefs in a nut shell the importance of astral spine, silence and calmness of physical and mental set up.
    Pronaam Devi ji.

  16. Thank you so much Deviji!🙏🏻🌹🌹🙏🏻Thank you do much for motivating me to deepen and regularise my meditation practice!🙏🏻🌹🙏🏻

  17. Mathaji thank you very much.
    It is very much notable and follow up .

  18. Thank you so much for this article! After trying to recover from a terrible loss, I had fallen away from meditation. This helps me greatly.
    Bless you!

  19. So love these reminders. I have been meditating for many years. Will utilize them all🙏🏻

  20. Thank you Devi ji, wonderful to receive these timely ! Deepening the meditation with your ever right pointers.

    With Gratitude and Love, -ilango

  21. Thank you Reverred Gurus… ,Was regular in meditation. But due to my bad health & hospitalisation was not able to continue. But once again I have recovered,I owe it to my meditation which I used to perform.Meditation has given me a lot of inspiration especially the secrets of meditation. Thank you gurus for reviving my hidden potential. Regards….

  22. Dear Nayaswami Devi Ji,

    Thank you for sharing this blog. Very helpful guidelines.
    I too find this very useful and helpful… Not waiting as an outsider but rather as a child of God welcomed by Him ….
    The “Secret” to catch the mind before it wanders and also to practice in every activity is also to be put in to practice immediately.

    Thank you again for sharing this


  23. Thank you Deviji. I found this very useful.

    Vijay Kirpalani

  24. Thank you Nayaswami Devi for sharing the beautiful teachings.I am very motivated and inspired by these teachings and and hopefully I can gradually inculcate in my spiritual journey 🙏

  25. Thank you, Nayaswami Devi ji 🙏
    Very grateful to have received this letter, helping to be ever deeper in God.

  26. Blessings Devi,for your profound message and guidance concerning our need to continue our meditation practice with increasing devotion,attunement , steadfastness in our daily communion with God and gurus.The reminder came at the perfect moment in my life,and gave me the reminder that my daily meditation is the most important aspect of my life.Thank you for sharing your devotional guidance and inspiration.Namaste

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