It’s always a joy to share inspiring events that come into our lives, especially when they come unbidden and filled with “education and entertainment”—the purpose of all our life’s experiences, according to Paramhansa Yogananda.

A few days ago a friend shared an article written by the well-known writer Jean Houston, describing her “chance” encounter with an older gentleman and how it blossomed into a deep friendship. Unbeknownst to her at the time, he was the well-known philosopher, Teilhard de Chardin. But that is beside the point. The point is that we are all part of God’s intricate web of life and consciousness. If we treat everything and everyone as a friend, as an extension of our own self, life becomes magical.

Here is an excerpt from her article:

When I was about fourteen I was seized by enormous waves of grief over my parents’ breakup. I had read somewhere that running would help dispel anguish, so I began to run to school every day down Park Avenue in New York City. One day I ran into a rather frail old gentleman in his seventies and knocked the wind out of him. He laughed as I helped him to his feet and asked me in French-accented speech, “Are you planning to run like that for the rest of your life?”

“Yes, sir” I replied. “It looks that way.”

“Well, bon voyage!” he said.

We met again about a week later, and thereafter, for about a year or so, the old gentleman and I would meet and walk together often several times a week in Central Park. The walks were magical and full of delight. Not only did he seem to have absolutely no self-consciousness, but he was always being seized by wonder and astonishment over the simplest things.

I remember one time when he suddenly fell on his knees, his long, Gallic nose raking the ground, and exclaimed to me, “Jeanne, look at the caterpillar. Ahhhh!” I joined him on the ground to see what had evoked so profound a response that he was seized by the essence of caterpillar. “How beautiful it is,” he remarked, “this little green being with its wonderful funny little feet. Exquisite! Little furry body, little green feet on the road to metamorphosis.” He then regarded me with equal delight. “Jeanne, can you feel yourself to be a caterpillar?”

“Oh yes,” I replied with the baleful knowing of a gangly, pimply-faced teenager.

“Then think of your own metamorphosis,” he suggested. “What will you be when you become a butterfly, un papillon, eh? What is the butterfly of Jeanne?”

Or there was the time we leaned into a strong wind that suddenly whipped through Central Park, and he told me, “Jeanne, sniff the wind.” I joined him in taking great snorts of wind. “The same wind may once have been sniffed by Jesus Christ (sniff). by Alexander the Great (sniff). Sniff the wind once sniffed by Jeanne d’Arc. Be filled with the winds of history.”

 Teilhard de Chardin writer Jean Houston butterfly metamorphasis quotesAll souls are interconnected in a great web of consciousness. A couple of days ago I tried to start a conversation with a green banana slug slowly making its way across one of our steps. Though it seemed unimpressed with my eloquence and simply continued unhurriedly toward a bush, that little creature has now become part of my web of consciousness and remains in my memory. As Swami Kriyananda wrote in a song, “All the world is my friend when I learn how to share my love.”

We can choose to focus on life’s shadows, or we can cultivate friendships everywhere. Let’s start small by delighting in a caterpillar, sniffing the winds of history, or talking with a slug. Then, one day, we will realize that it is all Divine Mother just trying to entertain and educate each of us!

In divine friendship,

Nayaswami Jyotish

Listen to Jyotish as he first reads the blog, then expands on its meaning and messages for readers with behind-the-blog commentary. Subscribe to the podcast or download the audio recording by right-clicking here. Or listen to it here (8:23):


  1. So beautiful. May we all learn how to share love and see God in everything and everywhere. Thanks Jyotish 🙏

  2. Very inspiring blog. Each time I read or hear either of you, I get a wakeup call from within. Millions of thanks to both of you.

  3. Love this story ,so impressed by that statement “Life’s experiences are for education and entertainment.”

  4. I was deeply touched by this article and so enjoyed your own connection with a green slug! I think what stirred me so deeply was recognising how this great soul lived for those times with Jeanne in a wonder that is available to us all. How often I bundle up in thick layers, cloaking and hiding that utter wonder and joy I felt so naturally as a child. This morning I determined to drop the layers like hot coals and took a walk. Without taking up too much space here, I can only say that it was WONDER-FULL! Happy, joyful, vibrant, colourful, beaming smiles and magical wonder in every sparkle of life. Thank You a million times for reminding me once again, as you do in many of your blogs, of the wonder within and without.

  5. Thank you, for this delightful story, Joytish, and how it connects in our life with all we come in contact with. Surely, Spirit’s Sacred Creation teaches us so much every day when we slow down, breathe, and open our heart to listen and observe. Blessings to you and all here.

  6. Many thanks for this simple yet profound story. It shows the importance of communicating with one’s surroundings and its healing power

  7. I believe it was Teilhard de Chardin who said, “We are not human beings having a divine experience but divine beings having a human experience. ” (Or something life that).

  8. mm

    Thanks, Jyotish. Just watched a documentary by Jean Aspen who spent many years living in extreme isolation in the Alaskan wilderness above the Artic Circle. Here’s a link to some thoughts I wrote – specifically her words from the video which resonate deeply with yours.

  9. So wonderfully delightful! Thank you for making my heart smile even wider and open even more today, dear Jyotish. Definitely going to share this beautiful article far and wide!

  10. This was so beautiful! Quite often, during the summer a toad will visit me. It comes up to the patio door, puts its paws on the glass and looks in. I always say “Hello!” Once, during the winter two Mourning Doves were huddled on the step by this door. It was a very cold day, the sun was brilliant shining on the door. When they eventually flew away, there was an egg on the step! I felt they were saying “Thank you!” for the warmth and the food I had sprinkled on the ground.

  11. An educational and entertaining blog, Jyotish! Now that slug that entered the web of your consciousness now has entered the web of our consciousness! For another E&E moment, Devi was exiting the market as I was entering. She held up unabashedly a pint of ice cream. I didn’t take much note of it except to congratulate her for utilizing ‘after-hours’ shopping. Then, later, when I came upon the express checkout binder, I read and realized Devi bought a specialty vegan ice cream: Devi – “Cosmic Bliss”(!) I was simultaneously tickled and inspired. Let’s all together forgo the pint (or not) and dive into the whole ocean of Cosmic Bliss! 🕉😄💖🕉

  12. I loved this story! It’s wonderful how an unexpected friend or teacher can appear in life and teach us so much. This really touched my heart and made me smile. Thank you for sharing <3

  13. Thank you for this reminder. I’ve had the privilege of hearing Jean share this and other stories of Teihard at conferences of religious educators over the years. Never tire of it. I am transported back to that large hall in LA where I first heard the story you shared. Wonderful memory!

  14. This is an absolutely beautiful story. I rush around so much & forget to observe and take in all the beauty right under my feet! It’s a lesson for me to slow down and be more conscious.
    Thank you!

  15. Respected Shri Jyotishji,

    It is so beautifully described that has really touched my heart. The uniqueness of soul is oneness and whenever we feel it, we are nearer to God. Rightly said, we are all equal because we are inter connected with our Father who is looking after us equally. We must have to realise it in our birthood and we are trully successful in our life when we are able to realise this truth.

    Thank you very much.

    O Nomah Baghabate Sri Basudebaya

  16. Aww, this was so great. Very touching. Delighting in the little things, in gratefulness to Divine Mother. Thank you for this beautifully written piece. My heart is touched, and it made me smile. JOY!!

  17. Dear Nayaswami Jyotish Ji,

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful blog :)
    How sweet it was to read the experiences and what joy would it be cultivate friendship everywhere. We feel lighter


  18. Thank you dearest Jyotish Ji for writing this blog – its so delightful and magical. (a big smile fills the heart, mind and soul !!! ). Thank you for the inspiration to appreciate the little of things of life (as shared in your audio) moment by moment, that very act will help us to expand our consciousness.

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