
How to Feel Prana, or Cosmic Energy

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Drago: As a teacher of Yoga, if you were to ask a student to try and perceive the flow of prana, what would this question mean? I.e. would it mean flow within a particular area eg circulating or merely centralized or could it mean a line of connection between one point and another? I’m just wondering how far the perception of…


Know the Meaning of Physical Sensations During Meditation

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Nikky: I have been meditating only for a month or two…and sometimes I do feel a very very strong tingling sensation and a lot of pressure/energy in my lower back..(almost on my root chakra). This energy seems to be travelling up to my spine in all my chakras. What is it? I also do feel a very strong vibration/pressure in my…


What is the soul?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Nathan: If Prana and soul are different, what is the connection between the prana and soul? Does the prana help the soul to manifest in a body? Which comes first?In the mother’s womb, how does the soul and prana work together to create the body?


Shankya Philosophy

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Dr. Andreas Ullrich: Hello and Atma Namaste from Vienna, Austria! I refer to the 24 categories of manifestaion: chitta, ego, intellect, mind, 10 organs of perception and action. 5 subtle and gross elements. Where in this system are the five pranas operating in the body? And which is the first manifestation: ego or chitta? Thank you very much, Andreas