How to Overcome a Judgmental Attitude

In this society plagued by judgmental attitude, Nayaswami Jyotish offers an alternative. He suggests that before you make a judgement, try and find 3 good things that you like about the person or the situation you are in. The positive energy thus generated has a great potential to neutralize the negativity offered by the person or the situation, allowing you … Read More

What is Attunement?

A special class by Swami Kriyananda relating to the topic of the Inner Renewal Week 2018. The theme of the week was “The Three Pillars of the Spiritual Path”. This is on the third pillar, attunement.

Service is Joy

A special class by Swami Kriyananda relating to the topic of the Inner Renewal Week 2018. The theme of the week was “The Three Pillars of the Spiritual Path”. This is on the second pillar, service.

Joy Is Within You

In this talk, Nayaswami Devi shares her own discovery of the joy of her inner being, and how once one is anchored in that discovery, nothing and no one can take it away.