Dream Your Future – Take Charge of Your Own Future

In this video, Nayaswami Devi shares how we often let our current situation define our future, which isn’t always the right approach. Especially on the spiritual path time and again we undermine our potential, thinking we are not spiritual enough. We shouldn’t let the present limit us; rather we should allow our vision of the future, guide us.

Using Our Full Power

When faced with a challenge in life, right attitude is crucial. A negative outlook only blocks the energy, but when we have a positive approach and are willing to go to great lengths, nothing is impossible. When things get tough we need to gather all our energy and go full blast.

From Concentration to Absorption to Bliss

In this video, Nayaswami Devi shares how even the most mundane jobs when performed with complete focus can take you to a higher state of awareness. Nayaswami Devi shares an incident when she got completely absorbed in the simple task of painting the walls at Swamis house and lost all track of time. Tirelessly she worked for hours, and it … Read More

The One Percent Solution – Toward lasting changes

So often we think in our lives, that we are not good enough for the big expectations. Nayaswami Jyotish suggests an alternative, and invites us to look for incremental changes and achieving our goals quickly. Embrace the “One Percent Solution” for transformative change. The British National Cycling Team’s success inspires focus on improving every aspect of life by just one … Read More

AUM, the Cosmic Vibration

Excerpt from Sunday Service with Nayaswami Pranaba at Ananda Village, August 12th, 2018 Transcript Nayaswami Pranaba: The Dual Spellings of OM: Vocalization and Vibration When we’re chanting OM, that really isn’t OM, and yet it is very real that it’s OM. But, you know there are two spellings of OM that we use? O M and A U M? And … Read More

Feeling inadequate – Stop comparing yourself to others

We feel inadequate when we start comparing ourselves to others. Comparing ourselves to others can detriment our growth instead of helping. We must understand that every person is unique and it’s important to accept oneself for who we are and be happy with it. Nayaswami Jyotish shares a wonderful story to illustrate how our imperfections too can be a blessing.