A Place Called Ananda, Travel and Pilgrimage

Ananda Goes to New Zealand

Recently I have been made conscious of a habitual way of thinking. Before, when confronted with something that was impossible to do, I would let everyone know why it couldn’t be accomplished, justifying my decision not to raise my energy. And I have a lot of energy. Up until a month ago, I counted this as a skill and an … Read More

A Place Called Ananda, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

15 Ways to Spiritualize Your Christmas Season

1) While you are shopping for gifts, pray for the person(s) to whom you are giving them and say the “Gratitude” affirmation: “I give thanks to the Giver behind each gift and to the one Giver behind all that I give [and receive.]” -from Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda. 2) Save your gift tags and the Christmas cards you … Read More

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma

How to Overcome Addictions

Of all the senses, the subtlest and most addicting is that of touch. People who find immoderate delight in touch sensations become an easy prey to sex desires. Those who approach food greedily become enslaved to outwardness through the senses of smell and taste.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

How to Test the Genuineness of a Spiritual Teaching

Many are the ways of misrepresenting the Truth. True saints respect and honor one another. Instead of crowding forward like children zealous for acclaim as the finders of a “new” truth, they bow before the Truth itself.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Five Steps to True Prosperity

The main characteristics of prosperous people are three: a high level energy, focus of concentration, and faith—not necessarily faith in God but faith in some kind of positive power in the universe.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

Stranded in the Snow

Why is one saved from suicide? In his heart of hearts, he was a good man driving a red truck, and his true colors came out (although reluctantly at first) even in his darkest hour. By saving us, he saved himself.

Clarity Magazine, Spirituality and Science

Meditation Reverses Chronic Pain: The Scientific Evidence 

Pain is a brain phenomenon, and stress turns up the pain signals in the brain. It’s a bit like turning up the volume on a radio. Stress reduction techniques like meditation are so helpful because they turn down the pain signals in the brain.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

How Prayer Healed a Family

During my first days in North Carolina, I often found myself in the crossfire of distrust between my father and aunt. Although my grandfather was now facing serious challenges, their unresolved feelings toward each other made it difficult for them to agree on how best to help him.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

A Lesson in Harmlessness

Death is no great thing. It happens to every living being and is simply a part of life. What’s wrong is the wish to destroy life.

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing

An Unexpected Healing

Swamiji stood with one hand on my husband’s shoulder, and the other hand on my spine. His fingers were right where the karma was lodged.