
yogananda’s body

Nayaswami Parvati

Question from noi: dear ananda has anyone seen Yogananda’s body now? how does it look ?


Cosmic Consciousness and Other Huge Questions

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from John C: Namaste. I believe PYji has described experiencing the state of oneness with God as infinite & eternal, but also as ever-expanding, unending, ever-new; the latter seems to suggest the notion of space/time; but I’m also under the impression that God as Spirit/Absolute/Sat-Chit-Ananda is beyond space/time? Perhaps related: Are all spiritual Masters/Gurus (such as of PY’s lineage) in exactly the same…


A Blessing from the Guru

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Dhivakar S: Hi, I had a dream where Paramhansa Yogananda blessed me in my head and am able see a vibration in my body. He touched me again, I feel the same. I am very new to yoga and Paramhansa Yogananda. Please clarify me the meaning. Regards, Dhivakar S


Did Yogananda Mention Swami Vivekananda?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from mangesh: Was Swami Vivekananda’s role in the West for Paramhansa Yoganada the same as the role of John the Baptist for Jesus Christ in Israel? Why did Yogananda never mention Vivekananda?


Yogananda’s Extensive Vocabulary

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Alan L.: I noticed that the “Autobiography of a Yogi” is written in rather difficult and sophisticated prose. Was this because Yogananda did not intend that particular book for uneducated, lower class audiences?


Was Yogananda an Avatar (Incarnation of God)?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Kailash: Was Gurudeva (Yoganandaji) an Avadhut or an Avatar? I have some doubts relating to this, as Gurudeva spoke of his previous incarnations, as William the Conqueror, and also as a diamond. But I feel I’ve read that Sri Yukteshwar named him a “Premavatar”. Also, I remember Swami Kriyananda saying (in one of his recent Satsangs, I guess) that even William…


Gayatri Mantra

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from Kerey: Jai Guru! I have a (hopefully) quick question: I don’t recall Yogananda ji recommending any specific Hindu mantras in his books, but I do remember reading something about how he was sometimes heard reciting the Gayatri mantra. Do we know if he used the long or short form? Which form is more “authentic” from a Vedic standpoint?


Focusing on the Guru

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Sunil: Aum Guru I read in an article by Swami Kriyanada that once Daya Mata was continually scolded by Yogananda to make her understand not to get too much attached to him and to put divine mother first. When I sit to meditate and throughout the day I tend to think of Yogananda much more than God or divine mother. I…

A Path for All Religions

Question from Susan: I am profoundly drawn to Yogananda as my Guru (since 1984), but have great difficulty reconciling my Jewish heritage with the Christian focus in the teachings. (Years ago, I stopped Kriya, but still do Hong Sau). I felt drawn back again and found Ananda-just ordered the courses. But can I truly be a Devotee if I cannot accept Christ or…