
What Is Love?

Asha Nayaswami

Question from Emily: If I love a man and he loves me but also loves someone else — how can i get over jealousy? Why can’t i let him have his own happiness and not bother him? Why must I cry and not dream big and of happiness for all? I am supressing him with my tears? He is honest and loving.Walking away…


Dealing with Unwise Attractions

Asha Nayaswami

Question from V: Hello, I need some help in regards to human relationships. Recently I found myself being attracted to this woman who works in my office. She is a very nice person at heart but her interests and personality is so very different from mine. Yet I cannot help being drawn to her..Day and night my mind is raked by fierce storms…


Relating to My Parents

Asha Nayaswami

Question from subir: How can i strengthen the relationship between me and my parents? How would i bring more love and kinship towards us? I think i m not in the best of terms with them. Please advice.



Asha Nayaswami

Question from tyler: it seems that a major concern for the majority of human beings on this planet is the seeming necessity for a mate/partner. my question has to do with other planes of existence, such as the astral world. is there a drive to find one’s “soulmate” in the higher realms, or is it just a quality of being in a physical…


Faith: Losing and Finding It

Asha Nayaswami

Question from Maya: I am a 26 year old women who was recently married. Within the past two years I have dropped out of medical school and had to have an abortion (both not by choice). Both these events have caused me to loose faith. I have tried to meditate and find peace inside but for some reason I can’t find it. Can…


Who is responsible: God or Man?

Asha Nayaswami

Question from aa: Why is it that people keep asking. If God exist why does bad things happend ? Why is it that they don`t understand that humans are behind most of the bad things that happens ?


An Antidote for Loneliness

Asha Nayaswami

Question from Nilima: I see only suffering and despair in my life. I’m 41, was widowed at 36. Although I come from a large family, I’m living all alone in an alien country. I have gone through lot of hardship dealing with my loss and finally decided that I had to find a companion but I have utterly failed. Everyone seems to move…


Offer Your Mistakes to God

Asha Nayaswami

Question from Anonymous: Swami Kriyananda said in one of his discourses that master said we should offer to god even the mistakes we make and make him responsible for them so that he gives us the power to change them.How do we offer to god?


Free Will

Asha Nayaswami

Question from karen: Hi I have read how we are more evolved than animals as we have free will, and we can use that will to choose what we do and how we live. But I have also read that none of what we do is our (individual) doing — its all god acting through us, even when we are creating bad karma….


Faith vs. Blind belief

Asha Nayaswami

Question from Shriya: Is it wrong to believe in a person despite knowing that they are hurting you and taking advantage of you. I believed in a person, and we got married and he left me just 3 days after our marriage. I was very happy then and now I feel my life is shattered. I always believe people on their face value,…