
Can listening to AUM free you from karma?

Nayaswami Maria

Question from priyal: Namaste, I’ve been practicing the Aum technique since a while now, there have been a few questions that have been bothering me, hope you can help me out a. Is it not true that a man has to live out his karma for liberation, how is it that hearing the Aum sound can help you out in this process b….


Is Yogananda my Guru? Is God?

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Dennis Fletcher: I waver in accepting Yogananda as my guru. I accept it and reject it. I recently decided to try to devote myself to Divine Mother and it felt right, but the next day I didn’t feel the initial fulfillment. Please help me understand this. I have been practicing Kriya for 4 years and feel the benefits, but have determined I…


Seeking peace after the loss of a dear one

Nayaswami Maria

Question from vaishu: I am a young widow with a 7 year-old daughter. 2 months ago I lost my husband. From the early age I was attracted to the spiritual path. Many times I have been pacified by the words of Yogananda. I know this life is a dream, but I still have to live in it. I am seeking peace. Please help.