Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

William the Conqueror: Laying the Foundation for an Age of Energy *

What was at stake in 12th century Europe, and in England in particular, that caused a Self-realized master to incarnate as William the Conqueror? Our thesis is that William the Conqueror’s vision anticipated the role that England, specifically, would play in bridging East and West, uniting the strengths of each to bring mankind to the present time, an age of energy.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

Letters of Encouragement

What exactly do we mean by saying we have been given free will? If all actions are done by God, how are we free?

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

What Is True Wealth?*

Most people equate wealth with investments, savings, income, or real property. Yet we’ve all known people who got by quite happily on very little money.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

Choosing the Right Stream

The dark streams of consciousness flowing through the world at this time are basically three types: conflict, greed, and fear. But tuning in to the ray that Yogananda brought into the world will help counteract the dark consciousness that is afflicting the planet.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spiritualizing Relationships

The Causes of Economic Depression

Always avoid the evil of selfishness. It is the root of all troubles, whether individual or national. Selfishness caused the 1930 depression in America. Businessmen and industrialists, by their indifference to the needs and sufferings of others, broke the spiritual law of equal supply. Thus, the richest nation on the globe suddenly became poor.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

The Importance of Ananda

For the current age, it’s communities like Ananda that are laying the groundwork for the future.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

A Cosmic Vision of Unity

The more we can learn to see life as a flow of unity, the more we’ll be able to find what we’re all looking for: happiness, love, and inner peace. Yogananda came to bring this vision of unity to everyone—a vision that he manifested in his words, in his teachings, and in the example that he set for all of us.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

Will Warfare Ever End?

Most people, including world leaders, respond to conflict by striking back—two eyes for an eye, a bomb for a bullet. Killing “enemies” produces no lasting peace; it only sows seeds for further conflict.