Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Attunement Through Satsang

Without satsang, we end up keeping company with the ego and we don’t even know the difference.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Being Too Familiar

A true friend is one who encourages your aspirations, rather than constantly reminding you of aspects of your personality that you’re trying to overcome.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth


The situation was getting more desperate every day. The entire neighborhood crawled out of bed every morning more tired than the day before.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Growth

Letters of Encouragement

Swami Sri Yukteswar, the great saint of wisdom, wrote that the first thing one must develop on the spiritual path is the heart’s love, and one cannot move one step without it.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Superconscious Living Exercises

Walk joyfully in place with an exaggerated marching step. Repeat this affirmation as you march: I am awake and ready! I am awake and ready!

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

How Do We Really Heal?

Perfect health is given by God. Disease is man-made. God wants His children to enjoy health and happiness, but they create disease and sorrow by breaking His laws.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Smriti Means “Memory”

My eye flew open. I was immediately aware of the cracked windshield and the unnatural angle of the front end of my car. All thought disappeared as the need for air became my only reality.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Dealing with Stress

Unhealthy levels of stress usually come from trying to control the uncontrollable. As yogis we want to find release from addiction to excitement and delusion. Your power lies in choosing how you respond.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

The Power of Chanting

Chanting has the power to bring a divine response to all who practice it, and to realize God’s presence under the worst of circumstances