Guru-Disciple Relationship, Spiritual Growth

The Tree of Life

Paramhansa Yogananda referred to his teachings as trees of Self-realization. When they are watered with daily meditation, they grow strong and sturdy. Through this daily practice they can withstand the challenges of this world and yield fruits of wisdom and divine realization. To grow the tree of life and Self-realization, one needs to meditate daily and live a moral and … Read More

Spiritual Growth

Living in the Present Moment

Living in the present moment is probably one of the most challenging attitudes for human beings to learn. Why is it so? Well, because we just don’t know how to! We live so conditioned by our past experiences and attached to our future hopes that the present moment is something that most of us simply don’t think about. There is … Read More

Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Practice

Spiritual Renewal Every Day

How could we experience spiritual renewal day by day, every day? Think about it – spiritual renewal every day is quite an ambitious goal. How could such a daily renewal truly and practically work for all of us? The answer is this: It must definitively be fun, inspiring, fresh, and colorful just like a rainbow. Otherwise, after a short while, … Read More

Spiritual Growth

A Boy Trying to Fit in with the World

When someone asks about your earliest childhood memory, what comes to mind? For me, it was fear. Specifically, fear that I would be drafted into the army and killed in battle. I remember making myself sick in the back seat of the car, lost in an overwhelming sense of doom, while everyone else seemed perfectly fine, happily chatting away. Even … Read More