
How to sit properly for meditation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Bhushan Patel: As i have learnt about meditation technique where in one has to sit keeping back streight on ground in “padmasan” or “sukhasan” for better flow energy through spine etc i can practice it for sometime but longer i am more comfortable sitting in a chair giving support to my back but yet fully engrossed in meditation watching my breath gazing…


Gazing upward in meditation

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Adam H. Esser: I have read that it’s important to look upward towards the third eye so to speak, Now I have a neuromuscler disease that makes it hard for me to hold my eyes upward without them shaking. Will not being able to hold my eyes upward keep me from acheiving the christ consciosness.


The spiritual eye

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Anil Raikwar: 1. How do I know that I am looking (or concentrating) at spiritual eye (the centre between two eyebrows)? I may be looking above or below. 2. During meditation (rather concentration), I get some sensations at/around the spot at spiritual eye, is this normal? Or I am concentrating in a wrong way?