Video and Audio

Expand Your Light - Visualization and Affirmation by Swami Kriyananda

Nayaswami Diksha
October 10, 2019

Connect with the light of your heart, and let it expand to fill your whole being, body, mind and feeling. Continue to expand your light, transforming all darkness into light, and blessings all creatures, in this short powerful guided visualization and affirmation on expanding your light by Swami Kriyananda, read by Nayaswami Diksha.

This visualization originates from Swami Kriyananda's 26-Week Home Study Course: Material Success Through Yoga Principles.

Find more information about Diksha.

[Below is a verbatim transcription of this guided meditation. Take into account the nuanced differences between spoken and written meaningful expression.]

While sitting still, visualize a candle flame burning without a flicker in your heart. Imagine darkness around it and watch the light gradually spread outward in all directions, transforming that darkness into light. Watch the light now filling your body, then filling your mind. Body, mind, thoughts, and feelings bathe all in that calm light.

Visualize in those light rays now a vibration of joy. You are that calm light, that calm feeling, that calm awareness of inner joy. Delight inwardly and outwardly in your inner peace.

Visualize the light expanding outward in all directions to infinity. That light is your own Self. See it blessing your environment, blessing all those nearby, blessing every creature on this earth. Lo, the very world has become radiantly joyful, the light of your own being.

Affirm after me:

I am light, ever calm, ever perfect. I am one with Thee.

More softly:
I am light, ever calm, ever perfect. I am one with Thee.

In a whisper:

I am light, ever calm, ever perfect. I'm one with Thee.

Mentally affirm:

I am light, ever calm, ever perfect. I am one with Thee.
I am light, ever calm, ever perfect. I am one with Thee.