Video and Audio

I Am Timeless — Guided Visualization

Guided Meditations, Episode 3

Go beyond time in this short, powerful guided visualization and affirmation by Swami Kriyananda, "I Am Timeless Forever," read by Nayaswami Diksha.


Video Transcript

Seated at the Heart of Eternity Visualization

Nayaswami Diksha narrates:

Imagine yourself seated at the heart of eternity. On the outskirts of your vision, swirling away into the distance are the mists of endless cycles of time. [pause]

Those mists can never touch you. You, on the other hand, can control them once you are fully, consciously centered in yourself. [pause] [Swami’s voice is heard chanting the sound of AUM softly.]

From your center of inner calmness, radiate your energy outward in all directions. Behold, you alone are in control of all that happens to you. [pause] Visualize yourself as a king or queen seated on the throne of consciousness. Everything that happens to you is an emanation of your true Self.

Guided Affirmation

Affirm after me:

I am in control of my life. [pause]

Time cannot control me, for I am timeless forever.

Right here and right now. [pause]

More softly.

I am in control of my life.

Time cannot control me, for I am timeless forever, [pause]

Right here and right now. [pause]

In a whisper.

I am in control of my life. [pause]

Time cannot control me, for I'm timeless forever, [pause]

Right here right now. [pause]

Mentally affirm.

I am in control of my life. [pause]

Time cannot control me, for I'm timeless forever, [pause]

Right here and right now. [pause]