A Brief Holiday from the Subject At Hand

Asha Nayaswami shares a way of looking at God in which we are the Mother and He, the son. This aspect of God as the child is well-known and beloved in India, but is new to the west. How does looking at God as our own child help us to bring ourselves closer to Him?

On These Principles We Stand: Service, Not Self-Indulgence

Asha Nayaswami shares stories of her early days in Ananda of when she cooked 3 meals a day, six days a week, and on the seventh, she would drive into town to load up with groceries for the next six days. In this vigorous schedule she realized how she could joyfully forget herself in the act of serving others and … Read More

On These Principles We Stand: Practicality, Not Utopianism

Ananda stands on these three principles: People are more important than things; Where there is dharma there is victory; Be practical in your idealism. Asha Nayaswami opens the door of understanding to the third principle of this list. How can we take practical, lasting steps, towards a greater sense of harmony and joy in our lives?