
Measured breathing and a racing heart

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Connor Burke: When beginning meditation I use the Measured Breathing Technique of inhaling a certain count, holding the same count, and then exhaling for the same count. However, often after I do the last inhale and exhale where the breath is thrown out for as long as comfortably possible, my heart is beats rapidly and I’m find it very difficult to settle…



Nayaswami Shivani

Question from Richard Kennedy: Hello, At many points mention is made of visualizing ‘a light’, ‘an energy’, the spiritual eye, etc. However, even though I am feeling perfectly relaxed, I am unable to visualize anything — all I have is the darkness in front of me when my eyes are closed. I do the breathing exercises, but see nothing. Is this normal or is…


If you find yourself on a desert island…

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Craig Berry: Hi, I am just learning the energization exercises. I have limited time in the morning to both meditate and energize. Right now I am doing some of the exercises and then meditating for 20-30 minutes. What is more important? How long will it take to learn them all? After I have learned them all, about how long will it take…


Peace from meditation?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from KJ: I have been meditating, practicing EE for a long time now but I’m not getting peace from meditation , though during meditation my body is stilled but mind keeps wandering most of the time. I have been very anxious from my childhood ( I’m 27 now).This anxiety is more when I have to present something or when I talk to…


Sleepy meditations

Nayaswami Seva

Question from John Shelton: I have been meditating twice a day and am going through the lessons in the home correspondance course. I’m on the Hung-Sau technique. My problem is in the morning when I wake. I sit to do the meditation and have the hardest time staying awake. I have been sitting in half-lotus position during my formal meditation times. Should I wait…


The Inner Kingdom

Nayaswami Shivani

Question from Shibu: For nearly 1yr I have been getting vibrations at the third eye region due to vipasana practice for 7 years. Joined Ananda 6 months back and have been practicing Hun-Saw. For nearly 2 mnths now, as soon as I sit focusing attension at the third eye region, my forehead muscles gets pulled upwords, breath stops and becomes very shallow, and…


Hong-Sau challenges

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Nair: I have been practicing the Hong-Sau technique for some time now. However, I am having trouble keeping my eyes focussed at the point between the eyebrows. After some time, invariably, I find my eyes have shifted focus. Is there any other technique by which I can overcome this. Another challenge I am facing is while mentally repeating Hong Sau and…


Feeling light-headed after meditation

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Jason: Sometimes after meditation (not kriya yoga), I will get up to stretch my back. Then I feel supremely light-headed and I feel inner sensations all over my body. Is this normal? What is this? Thank you.


Is my Kudalini awakening?

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Donald L. Smith: My question deals with meditation. I have been meditating for sometime using Masters teachings every day. However, in the recent past of approx. two months, during, and only in my very, very deepest concentration of God my hands, wrists, and forearms vibrate and I mean its very overt, meaning they really shake. I should also say my hands and fingers…