
How can I establish a regular meditation routine?

Nayaswami Bharat

Question from Will: I have a horrible habit of procrastination. I have never been able to establish a regular meditation routine, for some thirty years. How can I disrupt this habit, if I can’t even make time to meditate?


Is practicing Hong-Sau with out using the mantra OK?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from David Lukashok: This question may seem strange, but I like to practice hong-sau without hong-saw. The breath itself seems a sufficient “mantra” to guide me. Is this okay? Do others also practice this way? I particularly like to “dwell” in the pause between out-breath and the next in-breath, gazing into “the darkness behind closed eyes” as is written in “The Essence of…


Staying in a state of absolute freedom and bliss

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Eva Loczi: Dear friend, I meditate 1.5-2 hours a day and sometimes I reach a state of absolute freedom and bliss. But it is almost like I’m thrown out of it or it is too hard to endure, in a couple of seconds I’m back with myself. What can I do to stay in that state longer? Thank you!


Achieving breathless state in meditation

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Good Fella: Hello. I been doing meditation for a few days now, and I think I reached the breathless stage every time I meditated. I say this because I stop breathing towards the middle of meditation, and then I feel my chest getting bigger. I just want to know if this is what happens when you reach the breathless stage?


Drifting during meditation

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from Cris: I’m entering my 2nd year of practice. Lately in meditation I’ve been sinking into sleepy, semi-hallucinatory moments. I forget what I’m supposed to be doing & have to make a concerted effort to pull myself back into the moment. It’s very insistent: I can be vigilant and focused but they still break through.


Help with hong-sau technique

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from prashant malik: I become restless when I practice Hong-Sau technique. Each time I concentrate on my breath, I begin to breathe faster, as if I was doing heavy physical work. Please let me know how I can solve this problem.


How to remain balanced

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from ash: Hello, I have been practicing kriya pranayama and meditation for the past two years. During the first year I felt nothing but pure joy and peace. However these days I feel quite withdrawn from activities I used to love doing but my attachment to the same activities suddenly springs back in me. Thus I feel torn between two opposite forces…

Discouraged with lack of results

Question from daniel: Dear Ananda Friends, I have had wonderful experiences in meditation, but these are rare. Often, I just sit and think about stuff with my eyes closed. I know it’s part of the learning journey, but sometimes I feel like it’s pointless to proceed. I guess I am looking for encouragement. Any advice?


Meditation and corporate job

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from manjeri: I am a Kriya yogi, but also have a job in the corporate sector. I tend to get too distracted with externals related to my work. I also travel a lot, which affects my meditation routine. It takes time to get back to it. I need spiritual guidance. What is the best remedy in my situation? I don’t want to…


Married to a non-meditator

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from niru: How do I encourage my husband to meditate? He is supportive of me, and believes in meditation, but he does not do it himself!