
Cosmic Consciousness

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Y: Hello, When one attains nirbikalpa samadhi, it is said they then realize their oneness with God and drop their individual egos. My question is: When thousands all over the world tune into Yogananda and the other masters, can they be with every one of them simultaneously? Are their personalities still intact or are they more of a “force of God”…


What Is True Knowing?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Simon: Obejctivity?! Dear friends. I love Yoganandaji. His teachings give me strength. But I doubt we all are objectiv. First off, I’ve never experienced samadhi or god. Thoughts are creative and powerful, aren’t they? One gives his whole life to god. Focusing on HIS IMAGE of god. Then sometime he finds god. But is that real god or his imaginary god?…


Christlike Masters

Joseph (Puru) Selbie

Question from Lemains: In the chapter “Ressurrection of Sri Yukteswar,” from Autobiography of a Yogi, it says: “The undeveloped man must undergo countless earthly and astral and causal incarnations in order to emerge from his three bodies. A master who achieves this final freedom may elect to return to earth as a prophet to bring other human beings back to God, or like…


Do I Need to Have Faith in God to Realize the Self?

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from Raju: In the path of self realization or realization of Brahma, where is the place of God? I did several inquiries (self) and cannot find a place! Precisely my doubt is, is it necessary to have faith in God to realize the Self? And is it a prerequisite to leave normal life to seek the spiritual life?


The Nature of an Avatar

Asha Nayaswami

Question from Alex M: When an enlightened soul chooses to reincarnate on Earth in order to help humanity or for any other reason, does this being know he is enlightened since the moment he has consciousness after birth? Or, he is born ignorant of this and later in his life he realizes his true nature? How does this work?


Who is responsible: God or Man?

Asha Nayaswami

Question from aa: Why is it that people keep asking. If God exist why does bad things happend ? Why is it that they don`t understand that humans are behind most of the bad things that happens ?


Free Will

Asha Nayaswami

Question from karen: Hi I have read how we are more evolved than animals as we have free will, and we can use that will to choose what we do and how we live. But I have also read that none of what we do is our (individual) doing — its all god acting through us, even when we are creating bad karma.…


Stages of Enlightenment

Nayaswami Devi

Question from Romila: Is there a difference between the state of being Spiritually Awakened and Self Realisation? Thank you very much for helping me understand