Where do I look for God?


How can i find God again ?

Where do i look ?

—aa, europe


The word “God” in English is a very unsatisfactory word, because it has no specific meaning. Many people who say they don’t believe in God are rejecting only the dogmas associated with that word.

When it comes to spiritual matters, Sanskrit is much more satisfactory. There are literally hundreds of words that can all be translated into English as “God.” Putting aside the gods and goddesses, which are a whole other subject, most of the words for “God” in Sanskrit describe specific experiences, such as peace (Shanti) or joy (Ananda).

Shanti is more than just the quiet after the kids are finally asleep; Ananda is more than having your sports team win the championship. These are profound states of inner stillness or bliss that transcend all limiting conditions.

The most perfect Sanskrit word for God is Satchidananda: Ever-Existing, Ever-Conscious, Ever-New Joy.

You ask how to find God and where to look?

Where to look is everywhere. Every atom of creation is an expression of Satchidananda. There is nothing else. Above all, look within. Explore the reality of your own consciousness.

How to experience God is the whole science of yoga: meditation, right attitude, prayer, service, devotion. What we are doing is refocusing our attention.

Most of the time we live on the surface of our consciousness, distracted by sensory input and the jumble of thoughts that is our everyday experience. We speak of realizing God, not discovering or creating, but simply expanding our awareness of that which has always been true.

The science of yoga takes us from the periphery of our consciousness — thoughts and sense impressions — to the core of our being: Satchidananda.

Joy to you,

Nayaswami Asha