
Is It Possible to Change After Age 40?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Anonymous: In reading the new book, “Paramhansa Yogananda a Biography,” there is a statement I have a question about (pg. 44). It says Master stated that after the age of forty, it is almost impossible for most people to change. Although it does go on to give an example of someone who was in their eighties that was able to attain…


Can We Make Our Own Gods?

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from Bill: My question may not be easily answerable but I thought I would put it out there. If someone resonates with what the Eastern philosophies teach at their core, but doesn’t really feel at home with any particular religion such as Jesus (because of bad experiences in the past) or Krishna, or the gods within the Hindu tradition, can one possibly…


Donating Money to Spiritual Organizations

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Sg: I’m deeply devoted to Master and consider it a blessing to be associated with Ananda. I have no qualms in devoting my time or efforts but have a personal issue with money. Due to past history, I have a negative association with Donations to spiritual organizations. I’m not greedy. When I weigh & calculate how much money to give, I…


Kung Fu and the path to God


Question from Mattia: Hi! I have two questions: Is Practicing kung negative on the path to God? Is practicing it against the no violence priciples?


Dharma (Ethics) of “Questionable” Work

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Brandon: I took on a project to help program part of a system for a website. However, this site is to help people to find female escorts. I was paid half of the project cost up front. Since then, God has helped me to live more ethically, and now the type of service offered by this site is reprehensible to me.…


Scriptures in Tune with the Path of Kriya Yoga

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from margo: I see references in Yogananda’s and Kriyananda’s writings to the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, and the Srimad Bhagavatam. These I would love to read but I know there are many different interpretations, some of which are not the most accurate. Will you recommend the versions to read that are most in tune with the path of Kriya Yoga and Yogananda? Jai…


Our Attention to Negative and Fearful Thoughts

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Carina: I sometimes wonder if Yogananda and other Masters also experienced negative or fearful thoughts and how they handled them. I am asking because every time a negative thought enters my mind I immediately get attached and judge myself in a sense of obsessing “if I am a bad person”. I also seem to suffer from the unconscious belief that if…


Negative Thoughts, Divine Union, Health

Asha Nayaswami

Question from pankaj: Can negative thoughts be overcome? How can we connect our soul to God? Can meditation heal every type of disease?


How to Sustain Joyful Spiritual Experiences

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Kuldeepak Sharma: Hi, I have started reading “Autobiography of yogi” about 10 years back, at that time I have experienced joy and other rare spiritual experiences. But as time passed all those experiences are gone and now again I am back to my initial state of mind. Is those experiences which I have experienced 10 yrs back were true ? If yes…


Ways to Remember God

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Mina: How to remember God even when performing worldly activities?