
Suicide and Prayer

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from T.S. Lakshmi: My younger daughter committed suicide due to mental illness. Will She Suffer? Will I see her when I leave this world?


God’s Role in Human History

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Varadaraya: Why didn’t Yogananda use even a small part of his powers to have a tangible positive effect on India where people die of poverty and hunger and all sorts of problems which western world can’t even imagine? He didn’t do anything to protect India from British rule… So much of Indias wealth was taken away by the British and people…


Alzheimers Disease and Karma

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Derrick: My father has Alzheimers disease. Would this be the result of his past Karma?. Why is this disease becoming so rampant globally during this time in history?



Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Lavanya: How can one overcome jealousy?


4 Tips for Creating Your Own Affirmations

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Rajat: Hello, Can I create my own affirmations for healing physical, mental, and spiritual problems? Thank you for accepting my question Joy to you all.


Meditation and Moods

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from dhruv ganotra: As we meditate we feel happy but after some time after meditating I feel angry , negative thoughts comes this is different for everyone . Is this happens because I am new to meditation ? Will this happen every time after I meditate ? It will go slowly or become lesser and lesser as i meditate for some days or…


Mother in Law!

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Priyanka: How to come out of stress cause of family problems?and is that good to bow down in front of mother in law whose behavior is disturbing my mind badly and relationship with my husband also (because she lies about me)?


Meditating with Other Spiritual Groups

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Kailash: Hello divine yogis! There is a meditation centre nearby which practices a different meditation technique compared to what Master has taught us. Is it alright if I practice Hong Saw along with them just for the sake of being in a group meditation, or is it not? That is, will there be different energies due to the differing techniques and…


Should We Have Children?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Samuel Frederico: I’m 37 and my wife 36 years, we have been married for 10 years and we do not know yet if we want to have children. Sometimes we will, but we think our life is already wonderful, and we are afraid to worsen it with a child. We often consider this selfish feeling, to not give chance to another soul…


When is Judgement of Others Self-Judgement?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from S: Hi.I have heard this saying so many times but fail to decipher it.”What we see in others is a reflection of our own self” How come..If I see a corrupt official asking for bribe and disapprove of his action or an eternally cunning man or rudr woman trying to be cunning or rude, and feel angry, doesn’t mean I am…