
A Yogic Diet

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from vijay balaji: What are the foods prescribed to embark upon path of yoga??


How to Meditate with One’s Spouse

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Viktoriya: Could you please give advice on how to meditate *with* someone, not merely next to them? During daily meditations with our spouse? In group meditations? The problem I run into is split focus between the 3rd eye and the person next to me. Jai Guru


Each Tough Situation Wants to Teach Us Something

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Farida: What happens after our Bad Karma phase passes? Will we easily get anything we want or life is again just the same as when we are in Bad Karma phase? Any difference we can feel between Bad and Good Karma phases? By surrendering and following a SathGuru and his teachings, what are the things we can achieve after passing thru…


“Mindfulness of Breathing” Meditation

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Micheal: Hello, I have a problem concerning my meditation. I’m doing mindfulness of breathing meditation where I must focus on my breathing without consciously manipulating, following it in its natural flow. However, I find that when I’m not forcing the breathing, I’m unable to focus or find the breathing located in my nostrils. Also, it feels that when I’m aware of…


Did I Concentrate on My Breath, or Not?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from PRASATH.P: During meditation many thoughts are coming in my mind. I try to concentrate on breath, but I did not know if i concentrated on breath or not. After completing meditation i feel sleepy. Is it correct or not? Please send me correct solution.


Why Do My Friends Betray Me?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from di: Why friends betray you when you are good to them? I was 22, my very first relationship he cheated on me. I believe in God I am not the one partying, hanging out with boys, wearing short skirt, or wild in any way. Why God puts u in a situation when u did nothing? And if it’s previous karma, when…


The Yogic Significance of Long Hair

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Sompal: Why do most saints grow a beard and/or long hair ? Apart from appearance, is there any other significance ? Any spiritual significance such as change in the flow of prana/energy etc ?


Facing Evil Presences in Meditation

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Marisa: Hello, i was going through a guided meditation today and was a little less than halfway through when something started feeling wrong. I was supposed to be traveling to a beautiful place but instead found myself in a place with dark shadows and what felt like evil presences. It was absolutely terrifying, and it’s never happened before. I couldn’t get…