
Balancing Our Inner and Outer Lives

Joseph (Puru) Selbie

Question from Kailash: I want to be very spiritual, love God, meditate properly and attain the divine bliss and know the reality, that is God, but I also have to concentrate on my studies, for I’m about to be in grade 11, and have to have an ambition to be ‘someone important’, in my later life. How should I handle this situation?


Cloning and the Soul

Joseph (Puru) Selbie

Question from Vinay: Hi, I had a question related to animal and human cloning. Since Master has said that a soul enters during a flash of light when male and female cells unite. But cloning involves asexual replication of a donor cell without another counterpart to be united. This has been making me curious now and then. Though i don’t crave for an…


Words Fail to Describe God

Joseph (Puru) Selbie

Question from Kailash: Yoganandaji has said that God is infinite, beyond the physical, astral and causal worlds, beyond his creations. What is that ‘beyond’?


Christlike Masters

Joseph (Puru) Selbie

Question from Lemains: In the chapter “Ressurrection of Sri Yukteswar,” from Autobiography of a Yogi, it says: “The undeveloped man must undergo countless earthly and astral and causal incarnations in order to emerge from his three bodies. A master who achieves this final freedom may elect to return to earth as a prophet to bring other human beings back to God, or like…