
Is Yogananda my Guru? Is God?

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Dennis Fletcher: I waver in accepting Yogananda as my guru. I accept it and reject it. I recently decided to try to devote myself to Divine Mother and it felt right, but the next day I didn’t feel the initial fulfillment. Please help me understand this. I have been practicing Kriya for 4 years and feel the benefits, but have determined I…



Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Kaushik: Is killing mosquitoes a sin? I kill a lot of them everyday at home. Thye are present in a swarm every evening inside the house. I feel bad at killing them, but then otherwise the whole night is miserable without proper sleep.


Has Yogananda appeared to his disciples after his Mahasamadhi?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from John Edwards: Like Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar,did Paramahansa Yogananda appeared to any of the disciples after he left his body?? (resurrected). Thank you in advance for even cosidering this question



Nayaswami Anandi

Question from ashvenkat: Hello, I have a question on overcming jealousy. After a long time I have entered into a nice relationship in my life. Unfortunately I see myself being overcome by powerful waves of jealousy. If my partner pays more attention to my freinds over me I get very jealous. I tried doing kriya pranayama and meditation etc. I am praying daily…


AUM technique and spiritual liberation

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from priyal: Greetings, I have a couple of questions, i hope you can clarify a. I have been practicing the Aum technique since a couple of days, though extremely relaxing, i cannot seem to go beyond an “electric” sound, how do i take the technique forward b. Is a physical encounter with a living guru essential for spiritual progress


Staying in a state of absolute freedom and bliss

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Eva Loczi: Dear friend, I meditate 1.5-2 hours a day and sometimes I reach a state of absolute freedom and bliss. But it is almost like I’m thrown out of it or it is too hard to endure, in a couple of seconds I’m back with myself. What can I do to stay in that state longer? Thank you!


Ego resists meditation

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from tyler: My ego seems to be resisting my practice of Kriya Yoga. I go into a deep state when I practice, so I don’t understand why it happens. How can I look forward happily to practicing Kriya?


Achieving breathless state in meditation

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Good Fella: Hello. I been doing meditation for a few days now, and I think I reached the breathless stage every time I meditated. I say this because I stop breathing towards the middle of meditation, and then I feel my chest getting bigger. I just want to know if this is what happens when you reach the breathless stage?


Watching a friend leave the spiritual path

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from tyler: What is the best way to deal with seeing a loved one slowly leaving the spiritual path? Part of me feels like there is something i should say or do to help him, but most of me sees that it is his choice and free will. he doesn’t belong to me but he has given himself into the arms of…