
Coping with Family Disharmony

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from XYZ: I live with my aunt and mother. My aunt is a temperamental person. When she’s happy she’s nice to us and looks after us, but when she’s angry she’s very harsh, especially towards my mother. I feel very sad when she behaves like this towards my mother.Reasoning with her only makes her more quarrelsome and sullen. A couple of relatives…


How Do I Reach Self-Realization?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Vivek sharma: Sages say that God realisation is like finding a necklace on our neck which we were searching outside. But do we need to have special heightened perception abilities to realise this or not.


Why Are Spiritual Practices Necessary? Isn’t Asking God from the Heart Enough?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Vivek: The Bible says about God-realization (experience) to ‘ask and it shall be given’. Then why do we have to do spiritual practices? Just ask from the heart. Secondly, God is our loving Father. Do we need to pay a price (spiritual practices) to get something from our Father?


Can I Experience the Highest Spiritual Attainment Now? Or Are Many Years Necessary?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from A Seeker: Can spiritual progress take place at this moment? Is it possible for spiritual progress to take place at any point in time given that a person starts practicing yoga and meditation with a focused mind, but for a very short duration? It was a little disheartening for me to realize that it took a lot of years for even the…


Can I Achieve My Spiritual Goals?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Reddy: Hello, I tried chakra balancing, it was good experience, I was happy every moment after balancing and I was not aware of my problems and goals, So my question is If I am happy every moment and not aware of my goals, what about reaching my goals??


Advaita and Yoga

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Surya: I remember when I first started on the path, reading Eckhart Tolle and Advaita teachers. I had this feeling of freedom, that I was complete as I am. I know Ananda is the path for me, but sometimes, it feels like I’m searching for something I am not yet, and practicing techniques so that I can get somewhere. This can…


Awakening Kundalini with Asanas

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Vivek sharma: Books praises God’s mercy but i did a yoga posture(paschimottanasan) for four months daily two times 45 minutes each. It failed to give desired results (kundalini awakening) . Why? If God is so merciful.


Yoga for Autism, ADD, ADHD

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Radha: Hello My question is more about the kids/ adults and their families — struggling with ADD , ADHD and Autisim , why are they afflicted with this and how can we help them lead a independent life — what aspects of yoga and meditation can help them? Why don’t we see any programs for these individuals. Thank you