
Overcoming Sexual Desire

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from SS: I’m a boy of 22yrs age and it has been that for 8yrs I have been habituated to masturbate. It has been about 4yrs now that I have first realized it is really putting me down and away from happiness and contentment. Ever since after that I have been trying one way or another to establish self control over it….


Negative High School Environment

Nayaswami Nitai

Question from Paige: My school environment is very negative for my spiritual growth. Cursing, profane jokes, and vulgar conversations are a norm for all of my peers. I find myself losing a grip on my inner temple and my own personality when I am in this environment. How do I stay centered as I participate in my school’s activities and how do I…


Accumulating Good Karma

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from Rajesh: Dear friend, What is good karma? I want to accumulate good karma for my betterment in this life and for my next life (if required). Doesn’t living truthfully, honest, obedient, helpful, and possessing all good traits, accumulate good karma? Thanks Rajesh


When Ecstasy Comes All Else Goes

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Manisham: Good morning. In some of your answers I have read that sense indulgence is bad for spiritual progress and moral character. What all activities fall under sense indulgence? Uncontrolled sex? Alcohol? What else apart from that? Is the desire to to try out good food of different cultures in good restaurants, a taste for good clothes and fashion, the desire…


I Think I Mistakenly Used Black Magic

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Mike: Lately I’ve been experiencing a lot of scary synchronicity. I think I mistakenly used black magic because I put a love spell on someone, but I had no intention of even using magic or doing any harm. Is it wrong to use herbs and things to try and reverse the spell, reverse my magical potency, exorcism, etc? I feel like…


An Attraction to Krishna

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Arsha M Dev: I know Lord Krishna from my age of 2, I mean at a very, very young stage. My interest for him turned as an addiction, that was strongly opposed by many. So because of my parent’s compulsion I tried to avoid him at 13. I started to plan my life as a teenager and made many friends. Among them I…


Where to Focus Attention in Hong-Sau

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Dan: I find myself trying to place my attention on different areas where the breath flows (i.e. nostrils, root of the nose, spiritual eye) during the Hong Sau Technique. This leads me to restlessness as I find my attention moving from one place to another. When I do focus on one physical area, however, I find it more difficult to watch…


The Inherent Duality of Material Creation

Joseph (Puru) Selbie

Question from Wilma Jeuring: In studying the Yugas I understand that there is an upward tendency that takes many eons, but also a downward tendency. How is it possible that when we are at the utmost enlightened period, with high vibrations, there comes the downward movement again? Why can’t these high vibrations prevent the downward movement? Is it because it is part of our…


How Does One Deal with “Evil”?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Nandini: How does one deal with the “Evil-Eye”? As a family, we work hard toward maintaining a happy and trustworthy environment at home. We work hard for what we want and have been respectful toward everyone else around. But we have also faced losses for no apparent reasons and sense that there are some people around who are never happy to…