
Finding the right prayer

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Melissa Bunt: I know prayer is always helpful, but is there any specific prayer or yoga that would be specifically helpful; when wishing to help a father and husband, who chose renunciation and to follow God- thru joining a cult (not this path, or even close to it), come to see that his children/family need him, and that he really CAN have…


Ego versus soul

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Mark: In trying to transcend the ego into cosmic conscious-ness and union with Spirit, I used to think that the ego was a separate “entity” that imprisoned the soul and eventually the ego relinquished its hold and freed the soul. However, after reading a portion of the Bhagavad Gita it seems that the ego is actually the soul dreaming in delusion…


Breathing Through the Mouth Versus Nose

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Shruti Nayak: Hello I have been breathing from my mouth since ages and now when I try to concentrate during my meditation with the breathing techniques, Haung Saw, deep relaxation, tense and relax, etc I feel tired and am unable to concentrate and thereby it affects my meditation. Moreover during the day I am too engrossed in my work to keep a…


Listening to the sound of AUM in the right ear

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from S.T.: Swami Kriyananda (in some of his books) and others have said that one should only meditate on the AUM sound from the right ear (and not the left ear). What the reason is for this? Other teachers say it doesn’ t matter which side — right or left. I practice Kriya Yoga in another tradition, and we are told to…


Understanding What Jesus Said

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Casey: What was Paramhansaji’s understanding of Jesus’ words “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” ?


Lost years of Jesus

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Ronald Cunningham: What is the truth about Jesus in India during the “lost years” of scripture between His youth and His ministry?


Attitudes of a disciple toward the Guru

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from Jason: What are the key traits, tendencies, or attitudes of a true disciple towards his Guru? Thank you. :)


Itchy, Restless Sensation in Meditation

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Robert McCartney: Hello Dear friends, My Name is Robert from Ireland and here is my question for your team. I’ve been meditation about 50min most nights for the last year or so by focusing on the point between the eyebrows and fallowing the breath through the nose, but lately I’m being distracted by my base chakra becoming ‘itchy’ with a slight feeling…


Broken promises, bad karma, and divine forgivness

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Sudhakaran: Dear individual, Here is my question, which is also a confession. I made a promise to the masters (I feel a special affinity to Mahavatar Babaji) to not commit a certain act. But I could not resist the temptation and went ahead with it. In order to ease my conscience before committing the act, I rationalised to myself that the…


Evolving from animal to human level

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from jennifer: How does a much loved pet jump to human form? Can it come all at once? From goose to human or must it be a much slower process?