
Affirmations for Courage

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from franco: in autobiography of a yogi in the chapter the swami of the tigresses sohong speaks of a dynamic courage and of a calm trust to the mind…i asked if you can give me an affirmation to develop this mental virtue.thanks of heart.gianfranco


The Spiritual Eye

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Terry: Is there a detailed description somewhere of the experience of going through the gold and blue fields and then white star of the cosmic mandala?


Thai translations

Nayaswami Seva

Question from jon: Dear friends Is there any good information about Yogananda in Thai language? I want my wife to know a little about him because she asks me, but I can not find anything on the internet.


What is the “Festival of Light?”

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from WE Benshoof: I hear mention of the “Festival of Light” ceremony practiced on Sunday Mornings. What is it? What is the genesis of the ceremony and how much of it comes from the teachings of “Master”.


The AUM vibration

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from tyler: How come the OM vibration is so much easier to hear at Ananda Village than in my house in Orange County?


Do my dreams have meaning?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Asha: I am a spiritual aspirant initiated to Kriya by YSS India. I have a doubt, that whether dreams have meaning. I have been blessed to have Gurudeva Yoganandaji in my dreams three or four times. Once he appeared and seemed to say ‘Let’s go for a walk’. Once I saw with Ramana Maharshi. I have felt deep love and gratitude…


Meditation technique

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Prashant Malik: For the past 4 months I am practicing the hong sau technique(not regularly) but I am continuously facing a problem. Each time I concentrate on my breath I become very restless. I have to force air to get in my lungs I feels as if something inside me is resisting the flow of air & as soon as I start…


Studying for exams

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from Nirmal: I have major exams coming up for my medical course. However, every time I think of the amount of revision I need to do in order to regurgitate the memorized facts in the exams, I get very anxious and try not to worry about it. There is a lot of pressure put on us if we are aiming for a…


Prayer to Ask Help for Others

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Casey: I know we are supposed to chant or meditate without focusing on anything of material concern, however, is it considered wrong to ask for help for others who are suffering during meditation or japa? (I use the Hare Krishna mantra.)A friend is battling anorexia at this point, and simple prayer is difficult, because I am unsure what to pray for.


Does honesty pay off?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from ashwin: My sister is a honest, caring, straightforward, talented, and a truly loving girl. Because of these qualities she is facing immense stress at her university. She is constantly harassed, insulted, and humiliated by others because she sticks out ! And also because she does not know how to get a job done on the sly, she pays a huge price….