What is the Point of Prayer?


Question from jon: Hi,What is the point of praying when Yogananda says that you can not get more then you deserve? If I deserve little I will get little. It doesn’t matter how much I pray or meditate. It’s all a waste of time. Am I wrong? Did I misunderstand something?

Advanced Healing Prayer Technique

From the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda Many blessings flow from this practice, and some individuals are healed after one deep session. Technique for Channeling Divine Energy In-Person, or at a Distance Prepare with prayer and meditation. Sit erect. Gently tense and relax the whole body. Calm yourself. Touch the medulla once, in order to make it easier for you to…

Free Healing Inspiration

By Paramhansa Yogananda Prayers for True and Lasting Love Jesus’s Healing Power Healing At a Distance Spiritual Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer The Healing Power of Thought How to Solve the Mystery of Life After Death Cosmic Chants The Eight Aspects of God By Swami Kriyananda Superconscious Living Exercises How to Strengthen Your Magnetism Healing in Dwapara Yuga The Beatitudes…

Healing Products

A Healer’s Handbook Channeling the Light of Yogananda and Christ Mary Kretzmann has served as the director of the Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry for nearly 30 years, which has furnished her with a unique opportunity to guide many around the world in techniques such as healing prayers and affirmations, visualizations, partial fasting, and more. Her work over these years has…

Join Us in Praying for Others

Would you like to feel God’s healing presence flowing to others through your hands and heart? Every month we receive hundreds of prayer requests from people around the world, a few names privately shared with each member of the Healing Prayer Circle. Any sincere person can serve as a channel of healing. We’ll train you in techniques for healing at…

Healing Prayer Classes

Mary Kretzmann, Director of Ananda’s Healing Prayer Ministry, offers regular healing prayer classes at The Expanding Light Retreat at Ananda Village. The classes offer Yogananda’s techniques of using will power and Cosmic Energy for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. You will learn: Yogic healing methods Techniques for increasing vitality Affirmations for self-transformation How to use sound for harmonizing physical, mental,…

Video / Audio

Material Success Affirmation by Paramhansa Yogananda — With Mary Kretzmann

Director of Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry, Mary Kretzmann, guides us in the practice of Paramhansa Yogananda’s “Affirmation for Material Success.” Transcript Mary Kretzmann: Hello, my name is Mary Kretzmann. I’m the director of the Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry. You can find us at healingprayers.org. And I’m going to teach you today, one of Paramhansa Yogananda affirmations. It’s called “Affirmation for…


Keeping in Touch with a Departed Loved One

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Naga: MY wife departed after a long traumatic suffering of more than 10 years of reccuring brain tumor. I was very confident of saving her as I tried different techniques. Unfortunately her soul departed in an unimaginable manner. After lot of analysis, I found that the root cause for her departure was she wanted to be relieved. And hence whatever effort…