Clarity Magazine, Happiness

How to Be Happy All the Time

To seek happiness outside ourselves is like trying to lasso a cloud. Happiness is not a thing: It is a state of mind.

Clarity Magazine, Coping with Loss, Overcoming Challenging Karma

The Worst Choice I Ever Made—and the Best

The death of a parent is never easy to accept, especially when you’re an impressionable 15-year-old shielded from life’s harsh edges.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

The Courage to Act

Living by intuition deepens our spiritual life tremendously, but to do so takes more courage than one might think.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

God Helping God – a Tribute to Vairagi

The opportunity to live with other spiritual seekers is a profound blessing. Such was the case with all of us who were touched by the passing of our friend and fellow gurubhai, Vairagi Escobar.

Clarity Magazine, Coping with Loss, Spiritual Growth

Padre Pio and the “Way of the Cross”

People from all walks of life have testified that it was not Padre Pio’s miracles but his Christ-like presence and deep devotion to God that changed their lives.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Opening to the Grace of the Guru

When one faces a challenge on any level, what’s important is not the solution but knowing that the guru’s blessings are tangibly at hand.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

The Pain That Became a Separate Reality

I became a yoga teacher because my back hurt. At the height of my problems, I had sciatica and pinched nerves that kept me from turning my head in a normal fashion.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Learn to Flow with Life

To flow with life means being able to adapt to everything that happens. When you live at your center, you can flow with life.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Centeredness: Key To Inner Strength

Last year while I was in New Jersey on a lecture tour, Thomas, my host, discussed how his meditation practice had helped him calm a potentially dangerous situation.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Dealing with Fear

Fear is a pernicious problem that shuts down our life-force, and starts a negative cycle that becomes self-reinforcing. Fortunately, there are ways to reverse this cycle.