Clarity Magazine, Divine Love

May I Reap the Greatest Harvest *

My lot is small, and my life’s season is short, yet now I would produce a mighty harvest. I will expand my kingdom of will power. To do so, I must conquer new states of consciousness, enlarge my achievements, and outgrow, in consciousness, every limiting horizon.

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love

Teach Me to Drown in Thy Light and Live

I bring Thee all the honey from the hive of my heart. All that was ever mine is now Thine alone.

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love

Tune Us, That We May Hear Thy Voice

The voice of Thy wisdom roams through the ether of space, seeking everywhere hearts that are tuned to ecstasy.

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love

Teach Me To Behold All Souls As My Own

Guide Thou my understanding and powers, so that I may turn evil, dark minds into sparkling wisdom rays.

Clarity Magazine, Divine Love

I Was Made for Thee Alone

I was made for Thee alone. I was made for dropping flowers of devotion gently at Thy feet.