Video and Audio

How to Make the World a Better Place - Make Us Channels of Thy Peace, Ep. 13

Keshava Betts
October 1, 2021


Lord most high our heav’nly father,
All our lives we dedicate to Thee:
All our labors, all our joys and woes,
All our pleasure, all our melody.

Make us each a channel of Thy peace:
When in darkness, guide us from above;
Where there’s sorrow may we sow Thy joy;
Where there’s hatred may we share Thy love.

O Signore mio altissimo
O Signore, mio_Altissimo,
la mia vita dedico a Te:
le fatiche, gioia e dolor;
il piacere e la melodia.

Fammi mezzo della pace Tua;
quando_è buio, guidami dal ciel;
dov’è_offesa, ch’io porti perdon;
dov’è l’odio, ch’io porti l’amor.

(by Swami Kriyananda)

Introduction (Written by the composer for use in performances)

“They roam the countryside,
St. Francis and his brothers,
Bringing peace, like medicine,
To battled hearts, and innocence, like refreshing rain
To lives that are parched and barren.”