Video and Audio

Thy Will Be Done - Faith, Acceptance, & Freedom (Ep 37)

Keshava Betts
April 16, 2022

Lyrics (by Swami Kriyananda)

Thy will, Thy will, thy will be done!
All that I am is Thine, all that I am.
Nothing of man endures, wonder or scorn.
Birth, life and death are one: veils of Thy love.
Thy will, Thy will, Thy will alone!
All that I’ve done is Thine, all that I’ve done!

Introduction (Written by the composer for use in performances)

“I bear my cross to Calvary.
What matter that I die?
My life is Thine, Lord, and this wooden frame
Shall stand forever, a beacon to Thy light.”

Swami Kriyananda: "Years ago, I wrote the words and music to an oratorio, “Christ Lives.” To express Jesus’ feelings on the Via Dolorosa, the following words were for him to sing. They were written not so much for him alone as for Jesus as an example to all of us. In writing them, I wanted to express my own resolution to live my life, as well as this frail human nature permitted, in imitation of his example of divine nobility."