Video and Audio

Tuning in to the Sacred AUM Vibration

Nayaswami Sagar
January 11, 2021

Brahmachari Sagar shares this very helpful and uplifting inspiration during his Sunday Service at Ananda Village, January 10 2021. You can find the full talk here.

Explore the profound significance of tuning into the AUM vibration in this talk. Discover how the OM vibration serves as a bridge between human and divine consciousness, offering practical guidance for success, fulfillment, and spiritual growth. Gain insights from saints and scriptures, uncovering the transformative power of AUM in daily life. Develop a living relationship with this sacred vibration, embracing it as a constant companion and source of inner wisdom. Take practical steps to incorporate AUM meditation into your daily routine and deepen your understanding of its profound power.

Click here if you like to learn more about tuning into the sacred AUM vibration.


The Practicality of Tuning in to AUM

Brahmachari Sagar:

Today, we will talk about the most practical answers for tuning in to the AUM vibration, listening to the sound of OM, and since that vibration created the universe, this whole drama, by tuning in to that vibration we can retrace our path to infinity.

Swami Kriyananda called the OM vibration the bridge between human and divine consciousness. This vibration manifests itself as a sound that can be heard during meditation. This is not mumbo jumbo. These are Truths. When the senses have been stilled, and the life force starts withdrawing, then the inner sounds become manifest.

The Power of OM Vibration

By tuning in to this sound, we tune in to the consciousness that created the universe. That’s what the Book of John says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The "Word" means the OM vibration. “I want to get this matter completely settled in your consciousness,” spoke Paramhansa Yogananda. He emphasizes that this sound is the easiest way to approach God. “Then the lights and visions come, then you will be satisfied.” This sound also guides us in living our lives while we have to play our roles.

I want to read you something Swami Kriyananda wrote. In his Lessons in Self-Realization there is a chapter on AUM. He states that “The more you listen to AUM, the more you will feel yourself entering into it. In time, you will feel it and yourself permeating the entire universe.” Now, listen to this, “All knowledge is contained in that sound. You have only to ask for it and it will be given to you.”

That’s not all. He says “All power is contained in that sound. You’re only to call on it and it will be given to you.” That’s still not all. “You will be able to attract success, true friends from past lives, all understanding, all knowledge, and all inspiration. When you are in that vibration, you never need to fear anything. Nothing and no one will be able to harm you.”

This is why Lahiri Mahasaya said that man's highest duty is to listen to the sound of AUM. And another saint in India, Sukhdev, used to say that “All time is wasted that is not spent listening to this sound of AUM.” We must remember that the saints are the most practical of all human beings because they know about this deal of all creation. If we tune in to or merge into that sound, it’s the easiest way to find God and to be successful in taking care of all the responsibilities that have been given to us.

AUM as the Easiest Path to God

Especially if you have jobs or bills to pay, or if you have kids, or if you have two kids, you need the OM vibration. You need to be listening to the sound of OM. If you are trying to open a new business, if you are trying to make an existing business run, or learning how to make a market successful, how to have more horses or goats…I have friends here doing all these things. Where is the answer going to come from in the easiest way? It’s by tuning into the sound of AUM.

The AUM vibration is a living entity. It's not just about practicing a technique. For this year, tune in to building a living relationship with that vibration. As the Bible says, "In Him was life, and that life was the light of all men." So tune in to it.

Incorporating AUM Meditation into Daily Routine

The book AUM: The Melody of Love by Nayaswami Bharat is a wonderful way to develop enthusiasm and know what the AUM vibration is all about. So, practice the AUM technique daily for a year and see what it does to you. The inner sounds can be heard in the right ear, in both ears, while walking, while talking, while going to bed. It can be your constant companion. It’s the easiest way to realize that there are higher truths.

For one particular year, resolve to practice the AUM technique every day and do it the right way. Make use of workshops and opportunities like the one from February 2021 for Kriyabans on deepening your understanding and communing with OM, with Nayaswami Bharat. Participate in that. “All time is wasted that’s not spent with tuning into the AUM vibration.”

Supporting Each Other in AUM Practice

So, do all these things. If you are married or in a relationship, get together today and make a pact that you will remind each other to tune into the OM vibration every day. This is what spiritual relationships are about, finally. As we do that, we see everything else starts falling into place.