
Healing High Blood Pressure

Mary Kretzmann

Question from Sharmila Chakravarty: Jai Guru, My brother is suffering from extremely high blood pressure and is not responding to the medicines prescribed by the doctor for the past few months. I suggested him some healing affirmations, but his will power has gone extremely down and is very depressed due to his anxiety caused by his increased heart rate. In what way can I…


Yogananda’s Advice for Colitis

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from m: Hi! Did Yogananda give any diet suggestions for people suffering from colitis? Thanks!


Cooking in a Microwave

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Oleg: I often heat up my family’s food in the microwave. It is so convenient. However, many people who practice yoga recommend me not to use the microwave oven. They argue that the microwave destroys the quality of the food. What can you advise? Regards, Oleg Initiated into discipleship this year.


Sleep and Depression

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Leigh: What happens to the soul when we sleep? When I am depressed, I find it very hard to get out of bed — it is as though I can go on sleeping even though my body has surely had enough rest! Are there any spiritual benefits to sleep? Is the tendency to sleep biochemical secondary to what is released during…


Stare This Karma Straight in the Eye

Mary Kretzmann

Question from irfe: Hello I have some suspicious physical signs that can indicate a very serious disease — multiple sclerosis. Even though I am far from being diagnosed I really struggle to stay positive. I try to meditate but am often distracted by some symptoms. I feel like my life would end if I get diagnosed. I know this is not the right…


Bipolar Disorder — Medication vs. Meditation

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from GNP: A devotee just was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and has begun mood stabilizing medication. Although the episodes are mild, kriya tends to put her into mania. This person always found it difficult to spiritualize activities. Depression typically follows her during the day. She has always thought it was her fault that she couldn’t live joyfully and maintain a kriya practice.…


How to Age Gracefully

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Simran Joshi: Is there any way to look fresh, youthful and energetic forever? Meditation gives calm but doesn’t always help to look young. I have seen many people who meditate but don’t always look young.


Healing Energy Knows No Boundaries

Mary Kretzmann

Question from Rusha Verma: Hi Mary! Thanks for your answer to my question.Can cracked relationships be healed?” We can talk out as you said if our loved ones are near. But what do we do if they are far far away and out of touch for over 2-3 years? Can such relationships be healed too with patience, diligence and prayer? Does the universe respond…


Can “Cracked” Relationships Be Healed?

Mary Kretzmann

Question from Rusha Verma: Can normalcy be restored in relationships especially romantic ones where we have treated people badly or where we have been treated badly? Can time or prayers heal the cracked relationships completely or should we consider a divine purpose behind those bitterness and leave things as they are?