
Is a Bad Thought as Bad as a Bad Action?

Nayaswami Parvati

Question from Quin: In some part of Autobiography of a Yogi, our dear beloved Yoganandaji is informed by our beloved Paramguru Sri Yukteswar that he may has well strike down a bothersome mosquito, since he already had the thought to do so. I find myself in situations where i have impulse to act in ways i know are not helpful to my higher…


Ask the Angels?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Janice: I pray often to Divine Mother and Guru, I just came across a book on Archangel Raphael. Is it advisable to ask the angels for help or shall all such requests be sent to Divine Mother or Guru. ( book suggested that sometimes we are out of attunement with God so we might not be able to hear God’s answer,…


True and False Gurus

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Cyril: Hello again, Can a SadGuru be defined as ” not a false prophet guru ” like the ones Jesus described “who come to us in sheeps clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” I mean one who bears good fruits and who does not have his eye on how much money his disciples have but may not necessarily have achieved Nirvikalpa…


Why Are Humans Selfish Hypocrites?

Nayaswami Parvati

Question from Deschanel: Why are humans selfish hypocrites ? Why did God make us to be a bunch of Selfish hypocrits


A Friend’s Betrayal

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Cyril: How can I deal with the very deep feeling I have of being betrayed by someone who posed as my friend and closest supporter all my life. I know deep down they are my best friend and their love I will never be able to replace but because of how they treated me all my life I have suffered and…


Love God First

Nayaswami Devi

Question from Thomas D’Herck: Good Afternoon, One of my references in spiritual life are the 2 commandments of Jesus, “love God above anything and love your neighbour as yourself”. I notice though that in order to lift selfesteem and being able to love others, you need to love yourself first. What is your view on the correct order and the most direct way of…


Overcoming Self-Consciousness About Body Image

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Chandan: How can one overcome self-consciousness about looks whether good looks or bad?Everyone seems to value looks a lot.How can one overcome such superfluous attachment?


Does Sacrifice Make One Unhappy?

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Vinay: Hi, I have a question which has troubled me a lot. It is known that saints sacrificed their own happiness for that of others, and they worked towards ameliorating the sufferings of the poor. If i were to follow, how far is it justified to sacrifice one’s happiness to alleviate suffering of others? What if in the process, i become…

New Experiences and Negative Friends: What Is Normal?

Question from Maia: I meditate daily. Lately I haven experiencing vibration internally — very strongly when I am still but perceptible during activity. It started in my spine, then my heart chakra, now in my throat. I’ve been awakened at night with a whooshing sound, which feels Divine. Everyday I ask Guruji, Babaji, and Divine Mother for guidance. My life is being altered…