

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from meera: The custom here, of marrying cousin within family kind of repulses me. Is this custom something that is acceptable? At first I thought it was NOT acceptable, but now I would be grateful for wise advice. I would be really grateful if you would spend a few words for this untamed mind. Thank you



Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Mira: Hallo! I have a problem with my meditation. Usually I go deep in meditation so that I stop feeling my body. It’s a very pleasant feeling, but then when I feel a desire to go even more deeper, I have a terrible fear of loosing my mind or going mad. What should I do? Mira


How Can I Make More Money?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ben: I want to know why im not growing financially even though i sometimes earn some monies but cant seems to improve.I always end up with nothing at all , not even a dime?I want to know why?kindly help me with solution.


Experiences in meditation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ryan: Good evening. This question actually stems from an experience nearly 20 years ago when I first took up a personal meditation practice. Once while in deep meditation my visual field went totally white and as my concentration increased I felt as though I was travelling back in time. I have no other way of explaining it, really. What happened to…


Opening the Spiritual Eye

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Julie: My sister opened her third eye six months ago and it has been terrible for her. Since then she sees indigo and a black eye in the middle. Sometimes its just the indigo. She wants to get rid of it because it is affecting her nerves. What is she seeing and how does she do this? Thanks


How Important Is Material Success on the Path to Self-Realization?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Jeniffer: Question to N. Hriman. I know that my highest goal is to know God, thats why im on this path. But respecting to my worldly life I feel completly lost, that I’m not good at anything or I’m not Smart enought. I have failed in everything in life (28), in all my jobs too and now I´m without one. How…


Experiences in Meditation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ramya: To the end of meditation somewhere close to 30 minutes I started going deep that it felt like getting light headed. Had a nauseous feeling and I felt that if I continued I would go deeper and something will change happen. I still continued and became so fixed and concentration was not an effort at that point. But the depth…


What is Renunciation?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Steven (25): Hello, I am struggling to live without longing for monastic life. I find the mundanity of worldly careers and spirit-less education pointless. The thing is that I am married with three children and I need to provide, so this makes me feel like a somewhat renounced life is impossible if I have to spend my time working in a soul-crushing…


Marital infidelity suspected

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from marc: Hi M woman came back from holiday with my daughter i feel she has cheated while she was there even tho it was meant to be an official holiday with other people’s children.


What Happens After Death?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Subramanya: Hello, Stuck in one question,after death to physical body, where do the soul go,what happens to soul after death??? How do the soul enter into other body??