
I Took Kriya but Quit. Shall I Participate Again in an Initiation?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Beatriz: I did the Kriya initiation 5 years ago, when I was 20 years old, mostly out of curiosity. At that time, I was not read for the commitment and quit. In the past months, I had some experiences that made me reconnect with Kriya Yoga and specially Paramahansa Yogananda. I’ve been meditating and studying every day and have a feeling…


How to Worship the Guru Everywhere

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from A.: My Guru has asked me to move from having only my Guru as a link, toward having him in the formless energy of love, and also to feel it in other people and things. So my question is this — Is worshiping His creation, and the beings in it, the same as worshiping the Guru? Are they as much love…


How To Make Thoughts Into Reality?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Jasmine: Hello, What exactly are the techniques Yogananda taught to manifest ones thoughts outwardly, into objective reality? Many Blessings.


How to Develop Psychic Powers?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Subhamay Sinha: Sir, are psychic powers real? If yes what are some very common and easily attainable powers?


In Which Yuga Did the Mahabharata Happen

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Dimonsumy: According to Sri Yukteshwar-ji, Treta Yuga ended around 3100 BC. And according to the Vedas and other calculations, the Mahabharata happened at the end of Dwapara Yuga, exactly around 3137 BC. This brings me to the question whether the Mahabharata happened during Dwapara Yuga, or during Treta Yuga?


How to Quicken the Evolution of Animals

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Frank Mitchell: I had read in one of Master Yogananda’s books, Man’s Eternal Quest, that Lahiri Mayashaya was working on helping animals to evolve more quickly. And Yogananda also knew of some ways to help animals quickly evolve. Is there any info you can provide about how this was being accomplished?


Can My Guru Take Me Out of My Depression and Trouble?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from HEDDA HEYERDAHL: I am undergoing a very difficult time after a panchakarma that was too much for my body. I am having deep depression and anxiety . I have meditated for 25 years but this panchakarma completly exhausted me. I have undergone 3 months of hell. I have wanted to die. Slowly i am trying to meditate more and become attuned to…